There's several good aoe spots in the outlands(you can't have mine lol):p It basically takes a team of 2. It could be done if you are an sl lock but just not worth the time. I've powerleveled and farmed with basically every class with this ONE warlock spell. Just have your buddy round up a bunch of mobs and hold them in place while u toss out 5-6 seeds out. I use shadowfury to set it off but if u got a mage that will do just as well. Pallies can easily round up and hold these mobs till you get the seeds off. Even my 66 shaman buddy can do it. Frost mages are real good to ice block then nova and blink out after rounding up the mobs. Warriors work fine too as long as you aren't pullng casters.
Just try it for yourself if you are a lock. First time i tested it i pulled all of andorhol around araj with my blueberry and blew up the whole place in seconds. It's pretty ridiculous. It's bound to get nerfed soon its just not right lol so have fun with it once you get it. I'll give yall the spots once i get exalted with my factions :p
Perfect spot is the manaforge b'naar to the west of area 52 in netherstorm. Full frost mage with points in improved blizzard is by far the best combo ive farmed with. We were pulling roughly 3k rep per hr combined together. Just get the spawn rotation down and pull packs of around 10 geologists. He pulls novas blinks and runs blizzard on them. Start seeding right after the nova. On bigger pulls have him ice block till they all round up on him then nova and blink out.
Here is a good video of what we did.
We had a second mage here pull some more mobs in but the damage from seed seems to split when there are too many mobs. Don't remember but was around 20-25 total in that pull. It's pretty nasty.
Tags: Gold