Blizzard poster Wryxian has posted a Death Knight Creation FAQ on the O-Boards. While most players excited about this class may already know most of these answers, it's nice to have the official Blizzard responses to these commonly asked questions.
Players must have at least one level 55+ character to create a death knight of any race, and the DK may only be created on the same realm as that 55+ character for the launch of Wrath of the Lich King. According to Wryxian, the opportunity to create a DK on any server, provided you have a 55+ character, will be implemented in the future.
As for a creation limit on death knights, Wyrxian said, "You will only be able to have one death knight per realm at any one time. Should you delete a death knight, you will still be able to create a new one."
For the full FAQ, check here or keep reading below. They have also been posted in our death knight forum.
Q. What races can be a death knight?
A. Every race has the availability of being a death knight.
Q. Who is eligible to create a death knight?
A. Players who have at least one level 55 character on a realm may create a death knight on that realm.
Q. What if I have a level 55 character on one realm but want to create a death knight on another realm to play with friends?
A. At the launch of Wrath of the Lich King, you will only be able to create a death knight on the same realm where you have an existing level 55 or higher character. In the future, we plan to allow the creation of a death knight on any realm (provided you have at least one level 55+ character).
Q. Can I create a death knight on one realm and transfer it to another realm?
A. Yes, you will be able to transfer a death knight, using either a free character move or a paid character transfer. Normal fees still apply.
Q. Can I create a death knight on one account and transfer it to a new account?
A. Death knights can be transferred with the same fees and restrictions as any other character.
Q. If I move a death knight to another realm now, can I get a refund later when the option to create a death knight anywhere is available?
A. We will not be giving refunds to players who have relocated a death knight to another realm prior to the open creation point for all realms.
Q. Can I create a death knight on the opposite faction?
A. You will be able to create a death knight on the opposite faction provided that it is on a PvE realm. The standard restrictions for character creation apply for PvP realms.
Q. Is there a limit on how many death knights I can create?
A. You will only be able to have one death knight per realm at any one time. Should you delete a death knight, you will still be able to create a new one.