GemHelper (1.8.0)

Change Log:
9 January 2009, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.8.0

-- Written for Live Servers v3.0.3.9183.

-- Updated the necessary changes to existing gems due to stat merging.

-- Added 267 new gems in Wrath of the Lich King.

-- Optimized code to search and filter faster.

-- Added code to handle Jewelcrafting tradeskill links (from other players in chat).

-- Added tradeskill link button for JCs.

26 October 2008, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.7.1

-- Written for Live Servers v3.0.2.9056 or WotLK Beta Servers v3.0.2.9061.

-- Temporarily fix all the code errors. Not really updated for patch 3.0.2 or Wrath changes yet.

14 May 2008, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.7

-- Written for live servers v2.4.2.8278.

-- Added 4 new 2.4.2 gems.

2 April 2008, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.6

-- Written for live servers v2.4.1.8125.

-- Added 8 new 2.4 gems.

-- Updated Shifting Tanzanite.

-- Added search checkbox for Spell Haste.

-- Updated localizations where available.

15 November 2007, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.5

-- Written for live servers v2.3.0.7561.

-- Added Chaotic Skyfire Diamond introduced in patch 2.3.0.

-- Added localization for Korea and China. Updated localizations for the rest.

10 October 2007, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.41

-- Written for live servers v2.2.3.7359.

-- Added the 5 uncommon quality gems introduced in patch 2.2.2.

-- Updated localizations where possible.

-- Fixed spelling error for Blood of Ember to Blood of Amber.

-- Added ability to automatically query the server for gems not in your local cache. Patch 2.2.0 onwards will no longer disconnect players.

-- GemHelper will now cooperate with Skillet (it will treat Skillet as though it is the default UI). Skillet is an Ace2 addon similar to ATSW.

26 September 2007, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.4

-- Written for live servers v2.2.0.7272. TOC Update to 20200.

-- Fixed base epic gems being unlinkable.

-- Added 8 new gems that are craftable from designs available from the various faction reputations and Halaa.

-- Updated localization where possible.

-- Updated Unstable Talasite colors.

14 August 2007, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.31

-- Written for live servers v2.1.3.6898.

-- GemHelper will no longer perform checks/updates behind the scene when not shown.

-- GemHelper will now use AddonLoader if present to delay loading until needed.

-- Some minor changes to reduce CPU and memory usage.

-- Fixed a few minor issues for the French localization.

9 August 2007, by Xinhuan @ Blackrock US Alliance: Version 1.3

-- Written for live servers v2.1.3.6898.

-- GemHelper will no longer open automatically if the 'Replace default JC UI' checkbox is off. Use /gh or /gemhelper.

-- Added 43 gems to the database from Halaa, Blade's Edge Mountains, Black Temple and Hyjal.

-- Removed the final boss names from heroic instance drop gems since any boss in that instance may now drop it.

-- Updated the price of the pvp gems.

-- Added Taiwan localization.

-- GemHelper is now more memory friendly and will no longer generate garbage to be collected.

GemHelper v1.8.0

9 January 2009

(Written for Live Servers v3.0.3.9183)

(r81 on wowace)

Search, filter and craft gems in the game!

For non-Jewelcrafters, GemHelper serves as a encyclopedia for gems much like what AtlasLoot Enhanced is for instance and reputation loot. With many search filters for the exact gem colours, stats and materials, users can quickly find the best gem to socket into their new equipment without having to harass a Jewelcrafter or check a website about what gems are available.

For Jewelcrafters, GemHelper goes a step further and allows users to craft gems directly from the GemHelper UI with extra options such as 'Have Materials' that Enchanters currently have. Jewelcrafters are also able to replace the default Blizzard Jewelcrafting UI.

The gem tooltips will list the materials needed to craft it or the location where the gem can be found/purchased. Currently, the database contains 485 gems. All gems should be (more or less) safe to query the server for (the link) because if someone has the gem on the server (in inventory, bank or socketted in gear) and has logged on since the last server reboot, it will be safe to query.

To use GemHelper, type /gh or /gemhelper ingame. If you are a Jewelcrafter, you open the GemHelper window by pressing the Jewelcrafting button on your actionbar or spellbook.

This addon can be used along with CraftList2, ATSW, Skillet.


If you open the GemHelper window via the slash command (/gh or /gemhelper), you will not be able to craft gems from it. You must open the GemHelper window via the Jewelcrafting button on your actionbars/spellbook. This is NOT a bug and is a limitation of the World of warcraft game engine.

What I need:

Localization needed for Spanish. GemHelper will currently work for English, French, German, Taiwan, Chinese and Korean clients.


Beta Testers: Astrae, Karenwise, Grum

And many thanks to my guild members for helping with gems!