Greenskins and Chaos and Dark Elves, oh my

%26quot;The road to Wahammer Online's release has been a lengthy walk for everyone. We've all been through ups and downs, but now that it's almost here we're more than happy to answer whatever questions are floating about your minds. So, in our second installment of Ask a WAR Beta Tester, we offer up some insight into the cut careers, leveling time and other questions of intrigue. All for the sake of satiating your burning desire to know more. Of course, we know that no matter how many answers are given there will be more questions asked. So if you've got something banging around in your brain that we haven't addressed, feel free to post a comment containing your question.%26quot;

Massively answers a few questions that might be lingering in the back of your head. Questions on the %26quot;cut-classes%26quot;, leveling times, and how long till I can play with my friends in a different zone.

Click here to read more.

-- sneaksz @ 8:54 PST

New Wallpaper from the VN Art Team! [ 17 Comments ]

Print News | Category: Wallpapers

Better late than never, right?!

Check out our newest wallpaper featuring the characters from that wicked Warhammer Trailer!