GridStatusHealingReduced (

Change Log:

- Added Loatheb's Necrotic Aura

- Added all ranks of Wound Poison (WTF @ Blizz putting the rank IN the name)

- Switched some things around so that the name used to scan for some deuffs sharing a name comes from the spell ID of the most important one at level 80 (i.e. scan for the name of Gluth's Mortal Wound instead of the name of Temporus' Mortal Wound)

- Please report any issues in non-English locales with debuffs that share a name with other debuffs in English but not in your locale

- Updated to only scan for debuffs that can be applied in the current zone

- Updated for upcoming version of Grid; retains compatibility with current Grid versions for now

- Updated for World of warcraft 3.0

- Removed Blood Fury and Hex of Weakness debuffs, as they have been removed from the game

- Added Shadow Spike (-50% healing, Kil'jaeden, Sunwell Plateau)

- Added ruRU localization (thanks XisRaa)


- Added Darkness (-100% healing, M'uru, Sunwell Plateau)

- Updated documentation for Dark Touched (Sacrolash, not Alythess)


- Fixed something


- Updated README


- Added Wretched Strike

- Converted to spellIDs; no more spell name localization!

- Moved option text localization to main file; needs esES and frFR translations


- Added missing debuff names to all localization files, commented out, so it's obvious what's missing without having to compare lists

- Moved localization file comments ("translated by", etc) to the bottom of files so line numbers are consistent


- Added zhTW translations


- Updated koKR translations


- Added Dark Touched (stacking, Grand Warlock Alythess, Sunwell Plateau)


- Updated deDE translations


- Fixed typo

- Updated documentation


- Updated koKR translations


- Added Aimed Shot (needs translations)

- Commented out untranslated strings in deDE file

- Cleaned up localization code

- Updated readme


- TOC 20300

- Updated readme


- Fixed zhCN translations (line 31)


- Fixed zhCN translations


- Added zhCN translations


- TOC 20200


- Added parameters to the SendStatusGained function calls (for color/priority and so)


- Updated deDE translations


- Added deDE and koKR translations for Hex of Weakness

- Removed some incorrect debuffs


- Added Hex of Weakness

- Added partial deDE translations (thanks Elbereth)


- Added koKR translations (thanks sayclub)


- Added some stuff to the TOC


- First release

GridStatusHealingReduced is a plugin for Grid to provide aggregate statuses for debuffs which reduce or prevent healing received.

After installing the plugin, you will find two new statuses available in Grid: one for debuffs which reduce healing received, and one for debuffs which reduce healing received by 100%. Both indicators have all the options normally associated with Grid statuses.

The following healing reduction debuffs are tracked:

Aimed Shot - Hunters; various mobs

Arcing Smash - Gurtogg Bloodboil, Black Temple

Brood Affliction: Green - Chromaggus, Blacking Lair

Curse of the Bleeding Hollow - Bleeding Hollow Necrolyte, Hellfire Peninsula

Curse of the Deadwood - Deadwood furbolgs, Felwood

Dark Touched - Lady Sacrolash, Sunwell Plateau

Demolish - Negatron, Netherstorm

Deathblow - Shattered Hand Savage, Shattered Halls

Ebon Poison - Blackfang Tarantula, The Black Morass

Filet - Spectral Chef, Karazhan

Gehennas' Curse - Gehennas, Molten Core

Magma-Thrower's Curse - Sulfuron Magma-Thrower, Molten Core

Mortal Cleave - High Priestess Thekal, Zul'Gurub

Mortal Strike - Warriors; various mobs and NPCs

Mortal Wound - Gluth, Naxxramas

Nether Portal - Dominance - Netherspite, Karazhan

Necrotic Poison - Maexxna, Naxxramas

Shadow Spike - Kil'jaeden, Sunwell Plateau

Solar Strike - Bloodwarder Slayer, The Mechanar

Soul Strike - Ethereal Crypt Raider, Mana-Tombs

Touch of the Forgotten - Auchenai Soulpriest, Auchenai Crypts

Veil of Shadow - Nefarian, Blackwing Lair

Wound Poison - Rogues; Hex Lord Malacrass, Zul'Aman

Wretched Strike - Wretched Bruiser, Magisters' Terrace

The following healing prevention debuffs are tracked:

Aura of Suffering - Essence of Suffering, Black Temple

Darkness - M'uru, Sunwell Plateau

Enfeeble - Prince Malchezaar, Karazhan

Necrotic Aura - Loatheb, Naxxramas

If you know of any debuffs which are missing from this list, please submit a bug report.


GridStatusHealingReduced is compatible with all locales, current and future, as it does not depend upon translations to function.

However, it's worth mentioning that when more than one different debuff share the same English name, but have different names in your locale, GridStatusHealingReduced will fail to recognize one of them. Every spell and ability in the game has a unique Spell ID number; GridStatusHealingReduced uses this number to get the spell's localized name from your game client, and then uses that localized name to check for the debuff. So while the Wound Poison applied by rogues and the Wound Poison applied by Hex Lord Malacrass are different spells and have different Spell IDs, they have the same name in English, so GridStatusHealingReduced only looks debuffs with the same name as the rogue version. This means that if your locale uses different names for these debuffs, GridStatusHealingReduced will only be able to detect the rogue version. If you encounter this issue, please post a bug report with the locale you're playing in, the name of the debuff that wasn't recognized, and the name of the mob that applied it.

The options text is localized for English, German, Russian, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese clients. If you are interested in providing translations for these few lines for another locale, please contact me by email or PM.


GridStatusHealingReduced is a plugin for Grid, and thus requires that addon to be installed and enabled. You can find up-to-date versions of Grid here:

Feature Requests

Submit a Feature Request describing the feature you'd like to see. Please keep in mind that GridStatusHealingReduced has a very specific purpose, and that I am not likely to add any features which are not directly related to that purpose.

Bug Reports

Submit a Bug Report after trying some basic addon troubleshooting steps. Please include all of the information requested on the troubleshooting page, and note that if your report does not include enough information for me to identify the problem, it will be closed.


Please do not redistribute GridStatusHealingReduced in compilations without asking me first. See my portal or the README file included in the addon's folder for the full license terms under which GridStatusHealingReduced is released. Thanks!