Guide Horde level 40-60 WoW open beta

40-41: Stranglethorn Vale. The last few quests you have there, and grinding some mobs there should do the trick.

41-44: Feralas. This place is great! So much to skin, and very nice
grind places. I havent seen a lot of people leveling in the area, so
you have alot of room for yourself, and less interruptions! Just finish
your quests here one at a time according to the level requirement. None
of them are very hard, as long as they are not elite. There is also an
escort quest in the area which can be kinda hard to solo. It's easy to
grind the gnolls and grimtotems(tauren) in the area north of the horde
camp. Theya re lvl 40-42.

Instance: Razorfen downs. this place is for something like 38-42.
I never really did the place because the items arent worth the amount
of time spend. All 40-43 items are very weak, at least for plate and
mail. But do this instance if you want.

instance: Uldaman. level 40-44. This place is where the horrors of
evil dwells. I must admit that I hate the place. It has some very nice
items, but the instance can be very hard with a random pickup group,
and you can easily wipe. If you know some decent people, that you can
communicate well with, do this place. It has a very cool boss and nice
drops. I did one run there with a pickup group. Then I stopped because
I couldnt affort the time.

Happy grinding loot that i got: Epic level 37 leather gloves. Sold them for 40g.

44-47: This is done in Tanaris. Great place, but a lot of allies
around here so be careful. Finish the quests with those wastewander
bandits. They are the easiests. After that you head east of Gadgetzan
to the coast and take the quests there. These quests involves killing
pirates to the south. Do these quests and stay there grinding untill

Instance: Zul'Farrak. level 44-48. A very cool instance, with some
very useful item drops and nice quest rewards. I recommend you to do
this place no matter what.
Happy grinding loot: 2x khoo's point (rare polearm). Found both at the pirates.

47-52: Hinterlands. Yes this place is good. There will be a lot of
quests for you to do here. Follow your quests and that should at least
take you to 48-49. Once you have all quests except the elite quests
done, you can choose to grind the Turtles on the beach, or you can
choose to finish your elite quests with a group. The elite quests are
not in an instance. Just a big outdoor place with elite mobs. They can
be kinda hard if your group isn't balanced. Only good thing for these
quests are the XP and quest rewards.
Grind turtles all the way to 52 (yes I mean it). All turtles can
be skinned, and they drop Clams. Clams usually have clam meat in them,
but sometimes carry blackpearls and iridicent pearls. And if you are
very lucky you will get GOlden pearls as well. Which should happen a
few times during that grinding. Golden pearls are worth about 20-25g on
the AH! That is alot of income if you add it to all the gold you get
from skinning/picking up everything on the turtles.

Happy grind loot: About 5 golden pearls. (100g right in the pocket).

52-58: Azshara. This place is the best grinding place in the whole
game! Beats everything you have seen so far. The thing is that you want
to grind the Satyrs at 62.26 (north part of azshara). And if that place
is full, grind the bloodelves just a little south of there. At the
satyrs you earn more than 30k xp/hour! That is alot faster than any
instance/quests. Keep grinding them untill you are level 58. Satyrs
drop: a lot of random green items/recipes. Also a lot of runecloth and
felcloth, and demonic runes. Felcloth is 20s each, for vendor price. Ah
gives about 80s each. Runecloth is about 3-4g pr. stack. Demonic runes
are useful in MC etc. If you are a caster. For a melee they are nice
vendor trash.

Instance: Sunken temple. 49-54. Some nice drops here, but not
worth the effort. Perhaps if you have a class quest to this place, then
do it. I play warrior and i didn't do it.

Happy grind loot: Epic dagger, Shadowblade. Worth about 100g. 2 16slot bags. Rare ring. Three of warlords. Eight of portals.

Even if the satyrs wont drop any epix/16slots/rares for you. YOu
will still have a very steady income there. You earn more here than you
do at the turtles. This is also the place to grind for your epic mount.

58-60. Quests in Western plaguelands and eastern plaguelands.
Because you are level 58 now you will have no trouble with the quests,
and can solo them all, as long as they are not elite. Remember to equip
your argent dawn trinket to get your reputation up while you farm the
scourge undead. Once you finish your quests there is only one spot i
recommend: Grinding Scarlet lumberjacks in the northern part of Western
Alot of people likes to get access to winterspring which could be
useful, for leveling and questing. Or just to have the possibility to
go to the area. You do that by completing quests for timbermaw hold in
Felwood. Leveling in these places are a bit slow, and they are crowded
by alliance.

Instance: Blackrock depths 55+. Necessarry to get your Molten Core prequest.

Instance: Lower Blackrock Spire. Usually people go to this around
58+. You need this place for the Upper blackrock spire key and for the
Onyxia Prequest.

Instance: Stratholme. 58+, 56+ for healer. There are 2 parts of
stratholme. Living/scarlet. Also known as Lstrat. And then undead
stratholme also known as Dstrat. These 2 instances are great.
Especially if you just raid them for the items. A 10man group can
finish this in around 1-1 hour. Alot of good items this place. I
recommend you to do this place untill you have the items you need.

Instance: Scholomance. 58+, 56+ for healer. Scholomance is also an
easy instance to farm with a raid group. Gives good drops. The drops
are of same quality as Stratholme. Always remember your argent dawn
trinket on when you farm these instances.

Instance: Upper Blackrock Spire. 58+. This place requires the key
from LBRS. You need to complete it for the onyxia prequest. Lot's of
nice drops. Alot of people like to do what is called a rend run. Which
takes about 30-40 minutes 10man. For the whole instance you should have
around 15man.

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