Inspiration For Posting A How-To

Some days I wonder what I'm going to write about next in my blog, but no day do I worry that there isn't enough to write about, or that I'll ever run out.

If I feel like I might ever run out of things to write about, the fact that I'm PUGging a lot more these days takes good care of it.

The next topic of discussion is going to be "How To Remove Your Party From The LFM Listing", but that'll be in a seperate post, coming up tomorrow. Today, I write about the inspiration for that post, just for a lark.

Soon, I'll also post some entries about the awesome PUGs I've been in lately as well, because there have definitely been a good selection of those as well. It's just that drama is more emotionally inspiring in terms of writing How To information and Tips and Tricks.

The Story That Inspired The How To Post

(which will follow this entry)

On my level 13 Pally, looking to jump into her first trip through RFC as a healer (with the lure of having all the sharable quests to help convince any party mate who thinks 13 is "one level too low"), I did my standard - put myself into the LFG tool with my standard comments (healer, whisper first please) and added the "I have all sharable quests" bit right there.

Then I went over to the LFM side and saw that there was a 3-person team listed in LFM - two level 13's, one paladin with a "tanking" name and one rogue, plus a level 52 mage. A run-through, I guess. Still, I whispered the leader as I ran my way from Thrall's chamber through to The Cleft where the portal to RFC is placed, offering my wee healing skills, but got no response.

I continued to run to the RFC portal so I'd be all ready to go in once a party was formed.

Lo and behold, the two 13s were coming out of the instance and going to talk to Neeru Fireblade just outside the instance. I bowed to the leader and said "ah, looks like you're already finished your dungeon" in a say for both to hear.

The non-tank 13 got possessively hostile at me and said "go away", then "get lost, he's mine", also in a say.


The only thing I could think to say was, "funny girl", then I put her on ignore.

As I looked back at the LFM list to see if anyone else was there, I suggested in a whisper that the tank perhaps remove himself from the LFM tool since his girlfriend was hostile to inquiries, and he told me to "shut up", that you "have to disband a party to remove it from LFM".

Such hostility... (although I agree the LFG/LFM tool is not as intuitive as we would wish it to be)

Come back for tomorrow's entry that has the How-To about removing your party from the LFM tool.