Steal XP Items in instances World of Warcraft mods

Hi, im here to tell you guys the way i ninja 2 bosses in ZF before the group inside got mad and left. Thats right im not part of the dungeon group. this is a little time consuming, but id like it tried out on Higher level instances.
You must first be part of the instance group, then when your on the group, walk inside the instance you are going to and pull the whole '!@#$%^%26amp;* i gotta go thing'
after this log out
the group will mostly likely replace you
after you log out a screen pops up that says you have 59 secs til you are hearthed cuz you are not part of the groups instance, you actually have 39 secs to run thru the instance and log back out. The timer will restart, and you have more time, but it gets easy to run thru as the group you were previously with clears the way.
the only downside i have seen to this is if you want to ninja a boss they have to kill it within 39 secs, which i think was only possible for me in zf becuz of the 2 level 60s in the group, but i did happen to get rare mace from the bastalisk boss Ahnt' sul i think it is. i think with this you can at least ninja some xp in higher level instances. But it worked for me, so now ill let you guys know.

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