Town Crier 8.26.08

A well worn traveler of the lands known as the Town Crier journeys lands near and far seeking out the latest in EverQuest II news and information. Join us once again as the Crier returns from his latest journeys, filled with news and information from all around those strange lands. One never knows what new secrets his stories will hold!

Fan Site Goodies!

Zam has some more Fan Faire coverage for everyone! Have a look at their Fan Faire: EverQuest II Guild Hall Preview, Love for Gamers, and the Three Questions With... series featuring: Tiffany %26quot;Amnerys%26quot; Spence; Emily %26quot;Domino%26quot; Taylor; Christie %26quot;Kiara%26quot; Renzetti; Jason %26quot;Pex%26quot; Ryan (FreeRealms); Linda %26quot;Brasse%26quot; Carlson (Dwarf At Large); Matt Wilson (The Agency).

Denmum has been working her little halfling fingers to the bone and brings us her GU48 Crafting Preview!

EQ2 Markets has over one million items and prices! Swing by their upload page to lend a hand with your game logs!

Bloggers Anon!

Hurikhan brings us the next installment of A Shadow Knight's Tale, where Hurk continues his mystical adventures!

Everyone is excited about the upcoming Guild Halls. Clockwork Gamer is no exception. As a matter of fact they've even cooked up a handy dandy cost calculator to help every plan out their purchases! They've also managed to compile a list of the possible amenities (not yet finalized) shown at Fan Faire so that folks can get an idea of some things that may be offered.

Stargrace tells us why Gaming in EQII has Never Been Better!

Who is Anashti Sul? Ogrebear does a little digging for us and finds some answers!

What would you do for pie? Find out what Tipa will do!

Food for Your... Errr... Ears?

That's right! It's Tuesday again! That means that EQ2'sday and Jethal are both broadcasting some yummy Onling Gaming Radio goodness for one and all.

And that brings us to the end of another riveting Town Crier! If there's anything of entertaining or informational note that our intrepid traveler may have missed, or if you simply want to chime in with your two coppers, please drop in and share on the EQII Official Forums! Dwarves are good for tossing and drinking game buddies... Oh and killing spiders.