So, I just bought War, been waiting for it for ages (haven't played wow in like 8 months because I just couldn't subject myself to it any longer).
So I'm here, for those of you who played DAoC, I'm looking for a class in War that I'll be happy with based on what i played in daoc. (the class descriptions are of course no help, and I've watched a lot of videos that are currently out).
To get an idea of the type of classes I like to play, in DAoC my favorite class was a Blademaster, but also found the hybrid of the Champion and the Valewalker very fun (but never could get groups), but also had a Nightshade for that good old fashioned DF fun. In WoW I was a Rogue, fury warrior and enhancement shaman.
What I'm looking into right now either a Marauder or some other similar DPS class... Although from the descriptions I'm having a hard time figuring out the true DPS classes....
What does the War community recommend?
Play them all. By the time you hit 11ish, you'll have a very good idea on what to expect form the career. It's the best way to go. It doesn't take very long to hit 11 at all, and you'll have a perfect idea on what Career you enjoy the most by then.
Good luck!!
Well in regards to destruction, marauder is a true dps class. The way it's broken up in WAR is basically melee dps and ranged dps. Marauder is obviously melee DPS and can do a ton of dmg.
So it depends on your playstyle really if you like to get up close or stand back. Sorcs are good too but they really are glass cannons. I don't think you can go wrong with whatever you pick.
Morg is right, play each one to 11 and see what you want.
You really cannot go wrong though. I bounce between a few characters. My Witch Elf when I want a ton of DPS, my DoK since it reminds me of my Friar from DAoC, or my Sorcerer when I want to stand back and get DPS.
Mix it up some until you settle on your 'Main'.
And try out the Marauder for sure, they are a great class.
Its very funny, sometimes I feel like the only Order person out here. Every reply was a Destro one. It really is easy to run through those first few levels with new characters. The only down side is you might become addicted to a couple of them and therefore get alt-ism and then have a tough time choosing which to play each time you log in. On the Order side I would recommend the Witch Hunter (Witch Elf Order counter-part). I didn't play DAoC but based on the replies I am seeing you were talking WARs DPS type class. And if you do go Destro, all I have to say to you is %26quot;BURN HERETIC!%26quot;.
The Tanks Black Orc and Swordmaster are the only ones simmilar to the DAoC combat system, with attack chains, only instead of specific chains there are starters, builders, and finishers and you can mix and match.
WAR in general is also more hybridy than DAoC. However unlike DAoC you can really get a sense of how the class plays by 11. You can also have fun RvR right from the get go, as each rank range has a viable RvR area and good scenes.
Good luck finding your career! (Even if you were a dirty Hib
Thanks for all the replys!
I think I'm going to take everyones advice and just.. well.. shut up and play the classes I doubt I'll play a caster though, they just ain't my style! I'm currently playing the Swordmaster, mostly because it sounds cool atm...
And yes, I was a dirty Hib... but I was also a dirty Beserker and a dirty Reaver and Friar.