Whack (0.4)

Whack is an addon for managing the so-called 969 tps/dps rotation for protection paladins by showing a vertical list of spell icons ordered by the cooldown availability and priority.

The addon supports ButtonFacade for beautifying the ability icons and OmniCC can be used for showing the time remaining for the ability to become available.

The plan is to make this addon more generic and support all kinds of rotations and/or overlapping cooldowns for all classes.

Configurable by editing the .lua file.

Inspiration drawn from Questioner over at the Maintankadin forums.

-- Known issues

- Only works for lvl80 prot paladins

- Requires 1/2 imp Judgement

- Will likely show errors if the paladin respecs from prot to ret or holy, and requires an ui reload (but won't show errors) when respecing from ret or holy to prot

-- Changelog


- Fixed an issue where the buttons would keep updating as if the gcd just expired. This seemed to happen more often when spamming the abilities

- Refactored the code to make it more maintainable


- Addon name change


- Properly adhere to the rotation, previous version would show Holy Shield and Consecration as the best ability to use too early


- Initial version