WoW ZulGurub Jindo the Hexxer Strategies World of Warcraft private server

Jin'do the Hexxer

(sorry no usable picture)

7th Boss of the encounter.

Raid setup (in a setup with only 2 pallies, the healers get priority for concentration aura)

Grp1 : MT, OT, Pally with devotion aura, wlock with blood pact, Rogue

Grp2 : Dps warrior, Rogue, Rogue, Rogue/Hunter, Hunter, Hunter

Grp3 : Pally with concentration aura, main healer x 4

Grp4 : Pally with concentration aura, mages, rest of healers

Task assignments by class

Warriors - MT, OT incase MT dies or gets Mind controlled. others DPS and totem control.

Hunters - Totems and pets with healers. Boss Pets should be max buffed and healed. Treat them as you would an MT

Warlocks : pets same as hunters pets. Boss

Mages : AE the skellies, Boss

Rogues : Kill totems and boss

Primary healers : MT , Pets engaging shades,mages dealing with skelly pit

Pallies : Heal casters and pets hit by shades . Boss. totems. judgement of light and wisdom on bossat all times.

This class task list is ordered in priority sequence for example hunter is faced with a totem and moving pet to healers.

He deals with totem first.

Pull him to the little three-way intersection.

Boss has an AE summon Totems

3 types of totems will spawn.

All totems must be destroyed immeadiately. And all in party must make these totems priority #1

2 types heal him,

3rd mind controls someone.

Every so often someone will get teleported into a sandpit full of skeletons.

1 or 2 mages have to be watching for this and immeadiately AE rescue the victims.

If this happens and you find yourself in the pit wait for rescue.

Not enough work yet? We just getting warmed up.

Shades will spawn during the fight and they not real dangerous they only do 1 dmg in melee. But wow are they fast.

A caster with a shade on him will not be able to cast.

I suggest that the first caster affected run around and try and get the aggro of as many shades as he can get.

A warlock using Hellfire will bring the shades into the light but now your dealing with shades that nuke for 600.

If your cursed the shades are now in the light. as well to you.

By in the light I mean you can attack the shades now.

The Shades seem to have a real appetite for all your healers.

Random curses will be thrown on party members, allowing them to see the shades.

Whoever can see shades needs to immediately kill as many shades as possible.

The shades hit hard but have low HP.

I have suggested many times when going to take on this boss that the whole raid duel prior to the encounter

with the sole purpose of having every member of the Raid affected with a long lasting mild curse.

None have taken me up on this suggestion so am not sure if this would be an effective way of neutralizing the Shades.

Hell i couldn't even get one person to duel with me and curse me to see if any curse allows attacking shades or if it is only the Curse Jin sends out.

The shades must be killed. So if cursed do not cure it. Those cursed kill the shades before your healers are overwhelmed.

Pets set to aggressive work on shades

The pets don't need to be cursed to attack Shades.

If your pet heads to the Boss call him back and reset him to aggressive in amongst the healers.

All pets should be with the healers and set to aggressive.

Enough pet classes and the fight is not to bad.

Healers need to pay as much attention to healing pets as they do to the Main Tank

Handling the Boss is just standard Tank/Dps

If you get thru this boss your ready for Hakkar the main Boss

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