Our server has been suffering from some serious issues since the last patch (3.0). Just last night I lost a mount because the server crashed after I learned him, when the server came back both spell and item were both gone, like the wind. Because of that we couldn't raid (this was tuesday).
Yesterday we managed to raid, but the server was still having issues...
But even with the issues and disconnections during the raid, and almost five months after our last first kill in Sunwell...
Maybe the last push with the new specs and nerfs helped us We did kept having almost-kill attempts before the patch, tho. We killed him @ 10:29 pm -5 GMT.
He dropped
Blackened Naaru Sliver
Warharness of Reckless Fury
Robes of Faltered Light
Sin'dorei Band of Dominance
It was kinda amazing, with the new talents it's so cool. I ended up (for now) with this spec 0/52/9, aimed for tanking. I'm also raiding with almost no addons (probably just Omen3).
Here are a couple of group pictures
After M'uru (Entropius) we got to see Kil'jaeden!
The fight itself looks very cool, specially when Kil'jaeden comes out.
And I finally get to do some real tanking job before the expansion 鈥?I'm going to MT KJ, yaaaaay
Oh, and I'm going Inscription, too.
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