It will be Christmas Day in just a matter of days so some of you guys might take a break from WoW for the holidays. In fact, some of you probably already have! The Christmas holidays can thin out many guild rosters across many servers so much so that there could be so few online to make a raid possible. I found it a bit funny that my guild master posted the following message on our website a few days ago, reflecting the problem I just mentioned.
If it's not too late already, I suggest that your guild should schedule something fun before you break up for the holidays. Do raids or guild dungeons runs or even guild pvp. Whatever it is, do it together. Make use of the time you have left together since you'll never know what will happen once the holidays begin. I know last year, it was around this time that my old guild started losing members to the holiday and many never returned until much later since they decided to take the opportunity to take an extended vacation from the game. Ok so that probably might just be my experience but the point is, have fun together!