We have all the heard the phrase "back in my day we used to..." and while most of us roll our eyes at the old timer as they wax nostalgic about walking uphill in the snow both ways, many of us can empathize as we think back to our favorite memories. Adages like this also hold true in persistent world gaming, where new content is constantly churned out to keep the virtual hamsters spinning in our wheels and to keep the game fresh and alive. With the largest percentage of its current player base picking up the game at the launch of one of its two expansions, World of Warcraft is a game full of long abandoned content and zones that many only catch fleeting glimpses of as they power level their way to catch up with friends. With the revamping of Onyxia and the anticipation of the complete overhaul the old world is going to get in Catacylsm, the wheel have begun to turn in the wayback machine, join Medawky this week as he looks back in time and wonders what other content would make for compelling encounters as Wrath of the Lich King winds down.
In addition to Lord Kazzak and the world dragons, vanilla WoW featured several world epic bosses that were triggered by quests. These events ran the spectrum from solo to group to full raid parties and added a huge level of immersion to the game that has been, in my opinion, lacking from the current build of the game. With the reintroduction of Onyxia both the priest and hunter epics could get a revamp as well as finding a way to bring back something akin to Thunderfury. Check out the entire article here, and be sure to tell us your favorite zone from days of yore and why you think it should or shouldn't be revisited in the forums.