Everyone understands that while any class can fit into a raid, there are certain classes that end up being more prevalent since they are in more demand. This has a lot to do with what buffs they bring, what damage or healing they bring, and what synergy they bring to the raid. It also has a lot to do with what roles they can fill.
As you can see raid class makeup has a lot of room to play around with, especially in 25 player raids.��There are usually 10 specific classes and sub-builds that I really want in the raid.��Past that it becomes a balancing act of which classes work best together, which buff best, who has the most gear, who you know and have grouped with in the past, and more.��It is not an exact science.��Find out which classes Byron "Messiah" Mudry brings to his raids and why in this weeks editorial - Most Needed Classes in Raids.