First and foremost, I want to say that I totally respect the reasoning behind why Stella McCartney does not use leather in her bags. It’s hard to find people that walk the walk as much as they talk the talk, particularly when it could have a significant impact on their business, and she does. Of course, when your dad is a Beatle, I’m not sure that you’re as concerned about things that might affect your bottom line as much as the average person might be.
loui vitton handbagsThat being said, I wish she didn’t stick to doggedly to her principles, because I would absolutely love the Stella McCartney Chain-Detail Totelouisvuitton if it was real leather.louie vuitton
This take on the season’s industrial trends is decidedly simple and straight-forward, which is kind of refreshing when you consider the glut of studs, zippers, and chains that adorn everything we’ve come across recently. The shiny, thick silver hardware frames an enormous piece of matte black faux leather that I can only wish were real. I’ve never come across non-leather approximations of the material that I found at all inspiring, and I fear this may even smell funny in person, but I sincerely hope it does and that it fools everyone. But I doubt it will – the graining of the material is just too uniform to look like the real thing.
And also, it has to be said – the way that the chain is attached and forms the handle reminds me of the Chanel Coco Cabas totes from a few years back. There, I said it. I’m officially turning into one of those people that thinks that everyone rips off Chanel. Go ahead and put my out of my misery now, while I still have an original thought or two in my head. I still really like this bag, though. Buy through Net-a-Porter for $1145.