How To Get Your Olympic Tabard, Olympic Pet

Well, the battlegrounds are extra special right now, while the Olympics are going on!

A reward for doing battlegrounds during the Olympics, it\'s got the Olympics symbol on it!Check it out - you can get a Tabard with the Olympics logo on it, and if you win a round, you can get a Gold Medallion which, when used, brings out a non-combat %26#8220;critter%26#8221; pet that is a dragon-like creature that is normally associated with China and Chinese cultured events.

How Do I Get My Tabard?

The tabard is super-easy to get. All you have to do is go into a battleground, and the tabard will be mailed to you as a %26#8220;competitor%26#8221;.

Nothing else! You don't even have to stay in the battleground or win a round!

How Do I Get My %26#8220;Spirit of Competition%26#8221; Pet?

Only available during the Olympics of Summer 2008!Getting the pet is a little more difficult - it requires that you be on a winning team, winning your round of battleground.

I got lucky and got my tabard and pet immediately - went into an AV round and then left for an Eye of the Storm round in the middle of AV, and we won the EOTS so I got the medal for that.

So, go out there on your plethora of toons and pick up the goodies!

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