How To Win Alterac Valley - Horde

Back in January I wrote an entry about getting into the Alterac Valley battlegrounds as a Horde player, and how much of a challenge winning has been seen to be by the vocal Horde population on the forums and in other discussion areas.

I mentioned Preform AV Enabler there as a way us Hordies could band together to make a more cohesive team that, hopefully, with the right leadership and followership, could actually win AV more often than lose.

Then, Patch 2.4 came out and us Hordies were pushed back in our starting point, further south on the map than we had been before, and coordinated play became even more important.

So, I recently made a video about AV, Preform AV Enabler, how to use it and how to find it, so more people could get in on the premades on their own realm.

Then, just a few days ago, Simply Tatang commented on that January AV entry and gave a link to their own blog where they had an entry about a specific strategy that can work for Hordies now that Patch 2.4 has pushed our starting point back!

I thought this was a great time to share both Simply Tatang's posted strategy, and my video about using the Premade AV Enabler addon. I believe the combination of the two should lead you to many victories, as long as your Premade has enough reputation to get rid of AFKavers and others who Honor farm without participating in the battleground.

If your reputation sucks on the realm, I can't help getting people to listen to you ;) But that's a whole %26#8216;nuther entry I won't delve into.

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