Now that I'm 70 and have my Netherdrake mount, I have been able to move my Hunter off of Netherwing Ledge and back into regular playing rotation.
A few of my guild friends had been working towards 70 and their own flying mount, so I started to join them in the evening and we tackled some quests starting in Shadowmoon Valley before we went on to Area 52 in Netherstorm where none of us had completed any quests.
One of the cute quests we did in Shadowmoon Valley was in Legion Hold where we had to go and "overhear" a conversation between a few of our enemies.
Normally during those quest types, you're disguised as something that can move about - A Blood Elf, a Night Elf, or some other race that you're not but need to be in order to get where you need to be to overhear the conversation.
This time, however, we were disguised as boxes! I couldn't help but laugh at the cute little boxes sitting there on the ledge, with our pets hanging around, too.