All In Favor Of More Female Disguises, Say Aye!


Some of the more interesting and "nerve-wracking" quests that exist on World of Warcraft are the "disguise" ones. Where you need to get close to an enemy and activate a disguise that roots you to the ground like the one in Legion Hold in Shadowmoon Valley, or where you need to suit up in a disguise and then head into a normally-hostile town for some purpose or another.

Whenever we embark on one of these quests, we're not sure when to activate the disguise, and not sure whether we're going to die if we activate it at the wrong time and then have to re-start the quest for some reason.

Blood Elf Disguise in Netherstorm quest

And I don't know if my guildmate companions notice (nobody tends to mention it, we just keep playing and move on) but there are very very few disguise quests that morph in-game female characters into female disguises. Like, this one in Netherstorm I was doing with my also-female guildmate - quite the coordinated equipment setup on this disguise, but it's still a(n emasculated) male!

The Leper Gnome costume is also male...

I'm glad to see that the Netherwing quest line is supposed to have a Fel Orc female introduced, but of course, my next toon into that quest line will be a male, so I won't get to test it out for quite a while!