Begged For Gold In Thrallmar From A 70

Normally, I'm pretty used to being begged for gold in the Azeroth cites of Orgrimmar, Undercity and Thunder Bluff. Even if nobody is whispering me directly asking for gold, there's says or yells or public channel begging going on almost all of the time, like it's part of the ambiance of a city.

In Outland, however, I haven't really seen much in the way of begging because I don't spend much time hanging out in Shattrath City and for the most part if I'm approached for anything in the Outlands it's to go into a dungeon.

Then, I logged into my mage the other day to clean up my inventory and get ready for a dungeon run that was upcoming, and as I stood by the mailbox in Thrallmar, a complete stranger asked for 50 silver in a say (not sure if it was directed towards me or not). I shift-clicked his name to get the "who" listing on him and found out he was level 70!

Since it was just in a say, I went on about my business, but then the guy asked me directly (still in a say, but mentioned my name this time) and I gave my standard response: "no, sorry" and then I mounted up and rode away, outside of Thrallmar.

I poked around outside of Thrallmar for 5 minutes, figuring that would be enough, and then headed back into the town to continue clearing my inventory and preparing for the upcoming guild dungeon run's potion needs, etc.

Unfortunately, it wasn't enough, but it WAS somewhat entertaining in a head-shaking kind of way:

Level 70 begs me for cash in Thrallmar

Considering one daily quest (and there are lots around at level 70) pays 11g99s and up, and grey 'vendor trash' drops can pay over 1g each... nevermind how much herbs or ores can earn ya... that guy was so completely pathetic it boggles my brain.