Funny Places to Mount Up

While our main advancing toons rested quietly in an inn for a few more hours of accumulating Rest Bonus, a guildmate and myself hopped onto our low-40s toons and ventured over to Tanaris to try our luck doubling up on the yellow-and-orange quests together.

We were both in Booty Bay together when the ship arrived, so we hopped on it together and awaited its departure.

Funny Places to Mount Up - Boat

Out of boredom, I suppose, my guildmate hopped up onto a box that was sitting on the deck of the boat, and summoned his mount. I found it funny that it's rear end is sticking INTO the boat...

Funny Places to Mount Up - Boat

So, I hopped up onto something across the way from him and found that I couldn't mount up immediately, but if I tip-toe'd my way to the edge of it, I could mount up just fine.

Interestingly, when we zoned across to Ratchet from Booty Bay, I was dismounted, but my guildmate remained mounted.

Anyone know of any other spots on the boat that you can mount up like this? :) Take a screenshot, post it in your blog and leave me a note with a link to your blog :)