Hitting Mana Tombs, Gaining Consortium Rep

Once my mage hit level 64, I trained up my skills, changed across to Tailoring and zoomed that up over the next three or four days, and then I got myself stocked up with consumables and cleared my inventory to ready myself for some dungeon running.

Mana Tombs in Terrokar Forest

As a Hunter going through Terrokar Forest and the Bone Wastes quite extensively in terms of completing quest lines, I was only vaguely aware that Mana Tombs existed in the zone, and I had certainly never found my way to the instance entrance. This made my first trek into Mana Tombs a bit of a challenge on my Mage because while I knew kinda-sorta where I was going from having looked it up on WoWWiki.com, I hadn't actually seen how Auchindoun is laid out to be able to quickly and easily make my way through to the quests and then the instance door.

Mana Tombs Run #1

Once I got inside (with help from the Rogue in the group who had to come out and get me unlost - I was in the tunnels and couldn't get to his dot), I'd like to say that everything went smoothly, but it was kind of rough, and I wasn't sure if it was something I was doing myself or if it was something outside of myself, until we got to the final boss and wiped three times.

Folks in the party (all strangers, I listed myself on the LFG tool and joined someone else's group) were saying something about "not having enough DPS", and since I'm one of the DPS classes I thought perhaps it was because I was one of the undergeared ones that was contributing to why we couldn't down this guy.

I offered to allow myself to be replaced as I was inexperienced and willing to do what the party needed to get the guy done, but it turns out that the Pally tank didn't have enough stamina to withstand blows for long enough for the Pally healer to keep him up, and once the tank went down, everyone else went down.

After the third attempt failed miserably like the first two, (the second attempt was so fast that a couple of us were left saying "uh, did we miss doing something important here?" as we ran back to the instance) the group decided to give up on the main boss and instead just complete the escort quest that is started in the room right before him.

Unfortunately, I was out of the instance already and hadn't been a real part of the escort (ie: didn't get credit) before I read the one quest that I did have completed - only to find out I was supposed to activate some transporter thingy within the instance in that same room we started the escort from, and then I'd be eligable to pick up the escort.

Ah well, I got some nice Consortium reputation from being in there and was more than halfway to Friendly by the time that first run was done, but there weren't any good drops for me during the run at all.