Helping A Warrior Tank Guildmate Exceed 490 Defense

One of our casual guild guildmates used to raid for a while, until real life made it so he couldn't commit the time anymore because he and his wife now had a new baby in the mix.

But, while he was raiding he got some nice experience in the Outland dungeons (non-heroic) and although he's now a casual player by way of Real Life Force, he still pays strong attention to his gear and has been working towards the goal of being "uncrittable" in Heroic instances, which for warrior means getting to or above that magical defense rating of 490.

My tank guildmate is happy that I've gotten my Mage to 70 and that I'm interested in doing some 70s things with him, and I'm happy to have a tank who cares about his equipment and has done the required reading to know where he wants to go and what he needs to achieve to be successful in his tanking role.

One of the first things we helped him out with as a guild was finishing a quest in Netherstorm that gained him a piece that brought him to 494 defense - very nice!!

Gathering Up The H E R D

Dimensius the All Devouring in Manaforge Ultris

Through general conversation the night before, we secured a three-person team to take on this 5-person quest, and when it came time to get together for it, another guildmate with a 70 Druid offered to join us and provide more DPS to the process. So, we met in Netherstorm near The Stormspire in amongst some Consortium guys to begin our short quest.

After following them up a hill and engaging in some battle with some baddies in between, we stopped for a while outside of a building, with all the Zaxxis guys huddled in a mass, waiting for our tank to issue the order to continue after we mana'd up and bandaged as required.

Zaxxis guys Confused In Hallway

We then headed into the building, but the Zaxxis guys style of following was rather confusing - at first, going in, the Captain was at the back of the line, but then once we got inside the whole line switched around to have the Captain at the front of the line, in a domino-like fashion that made us players wonder whether we should be retreating or moving ahead.

Once we got inside and downed the little Voidwalkers that were in the way, we faced The Big Boss, Dimensius the All-Devouring himself.

Dimensius the All Devouring in Manaforge Ultris

Our tank started the battle and I caught a screenshot of the big mutha Voidwalker as he (she?) did her best impersonation of the Supremes...

We got this guy down with very little trouble, although our Druid DPS friend almost died and some quick healing kept him up and his repair bills down. Gogo Druids and Holy Priests!