Wee Healer Druid Gets Kitty Form

So, since I've got a couple of high-level DPS toons and a 61 Warrior who I'm afraid to take out for PUG tanking practice, I fired up a new toon, again, with the goal of being a dungeon-running healer.

I already have a holy-spec'd Priest at level 38 who I've done some RFD PUGs with, but I wanted to try a different healer type, so I actually fired up a Druid and a Shaman, with the intent of taking them both down the Restoration track of talents.

So far, the Druid has been given more play time and I've advanced past the RFC PUGs and into the WC/SFK/BFD ones (that is, out of Ragefire Chasm and into Wailing Caverns, Shadowfang Keep and Blackfathom Deeps), and I've had a wide variety of PUGging experiences as a instancing healer who has advanced from level 13 clear through to level 23 with minimal outside-dungeon experience collection (only enough to gather quests for the next dungeon).

Recently, as I was going into a Wailing Caverns run with a Feral-spec'd Druid I had met in a previous PUG, I had a chance to play around with my kitty form as we ran to the instance and caught up with the rest of the PUG we were partied up with, who were already inside the instance.

I need a little bit of work on my kitty-form action, but since I plan to be a Resto druid I don't see it happening very often.

Druid Kitty Dance Sucks.

Druid Kitty Dance Sucks

After the run was over, I played around a little bit more with kitty form, and of course, tried to /dance to see what the dance was like.

I was sorely disappointed as my kitty sat down and proceeded to sway its head back and forth while swaying a paw back and forth as if to keep time as a conductor of an orchestra.

Am I wrong, or is this the WHOLE DANCE???! :(

Druid Kitty Can Disenchant, Summon.

There are many things that Druid Kitty cannot do because she is in a morphed state, but there are some things that Druid Kitty can do to make life simpler for its master:

Druid Kitty can Disenchant in form
Druid Kitty Disenchants

Druid Kitty can Summon at stone
Druid Kitty Helping Summon At Stone

So, yah. I'm sure this isn't news to most of y'all out there, but I really haven't done much with a Druid for a long time :)