How Discoveries Work + What Flasks Are Best Used For

Rizzo asked me about the discoveries I've made on my Troll Mage Alchemist (first one I recorded in the blog was at lvl 59, Alchemy 375) and how to get the discoveries to occur, so since I've been away for a few days I thought this would be a great start-back point!

How I Discovered My Alchemy Flasks

Simply put, I create a crapload of Outland potions.

I've made a two or three discoveries while making Elixir of Draenic Wisdom
Requires Level 50
Use: Increases Intellect and Spirit by 30 for 60 minutes. Guardian Elixir.
Charges: 1
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Elixir of Draenic Wisdom, at least one while making Adept\'s Elixir
Requires Level 50
Use: Increases spell damage and healing by up to 24 and spell critical strike rating by 24 for 60 minutes. Battle Elixir.
Charges: 1
Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Adept's Elixir and I believe I've even made a discovery while making the high-level healing or mana potions. I make a LOT of potions.

How Alchemy Specialization Ties Into Flask-creation

Specialization is not required for making Flasks.

However, if you are level 68 and 325 Alchemy or above, you can do a quest to become a Master of Elixirs and as a benefit of this specialization, when you create a Flask, it may "proc" more than one Flask creation, and you could end up with two Flasks for the materials of one.

Master of Potions, as I chose, effects potions in this way and as such I probably should have gone Master of Elixirs and in the future I may be writing an entry about how to switch specializations ;)

I've also read reports of procs-proccing-on-procs and Masters ending up with 5(!) potions where they only put in materials for one. This is unconfirmed however, but I'd love commentary from those with experience.

What Happens When I Make A Discovery

Discoveries are cool things to witness, I think - I remember witnessing someone in Orgrimmar make a discovery when I was in my 40s and it was fun to congratulate them. I've only witnessed one that was not my own.

When the discovery happens, my toon does a "/cheer", there's a gong sound like the level-up gong, and the announcement is sent out to all within range that you've made a certain discovery.

What Flasks Are Best Used For - The Consensus

Alchemy Flasks Known as of December 6, 2007

I had some great feedback on my previous entry about the flasks, in asking what they were best used for since they seemed to use expensive/high level mats in creating the 2 hour buff which persists through death.

The Consensus was twofold:

    Flasks are good to use when you are learning new content or know you're going to be wiping a lot and won't get the full use of the Elixirs as a result. (PvP comes to mind)
    Flasks can, on occasion, be more readily available than an equal combination of Guardian and Battle elixirs and therefore be more cost-effective. Flask of Pure Death
    Requires Level 65
    Use: Increases spell damage caused by Shadow, Fire and Frost spells by up to 80 for 120 minutes. Counts as both a Battle and Guardian elixir. This effect persists through death.
    Charges: 1
    Item display is courtesy world of ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Flask of Pure Death is said to be such an example for Shadow-damage folk (Warlocks and Shadow Priests)

Summary - Now I Can Never Drop Alchemy

Of all the Professions-shuffling I do on my toons, this Discovery thing has made it so I cannot drop Alchemy without feeling a profound sense of e-loss.

At least until the Expansion comes out and renders my flasks moot ;)