Powerlevelling Tailoring Cheaply: Mageweave, Runecloth

Farming for Mageweave

Mageweave is where things began to get a little tough in terms of farming things on my own with my 65 mage. Jintha'Alor in The Hinterlands is a great place to get a lot of mageweave, but the 48+ elites [May 2008 update: mobs in Jintha'Alor are NOT ELITE anymore!] were way slower to mow down than the ~40's in Scarlet Monestary - particularly because there's a lot of casters/ranged attackers in Jintha'Alor that I didn't find as often in Scarlet Monestary.

One of my guildmate friends was looking for something to do the very night I was heading towards Jintha'Alor to see how I'd fare on my own, so he joined me and I didn't have to worry about switching over to my 70 Hunter as a result.

We headed quickly to the top of Jintha'Alor and were about to head into the cave when we were both whispered by some other Horde players appropriately leveled for the area, asking if they could join our group to finish off a quest that involved going into the same caves. I responded that all I was here for was the Mageweave, and asked that we be given the Mageweave from the caves, in return for the assistance in going through there. They agreed, dropped group, and joined ours, making our team of two a team of five.

Jintha'Alor - Excellent Sources of...

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Mageweave Cloth, obviously. Primary reason why I went there.

Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Wildvine - used in the 225-300 Leatherworking range and sells very well in the Auction House.

Ghost Mushroom
Trade Goods
Item display is courtesy world of warcraft.allakhazam.com. ',VAUTO,HAUTO,FULLHTML);" onmouseout="return nd();">Ghost Mushrooms - while only three are spawned at a time in the caves at the top of Jintha'Alor, a high-level character could farm the area every 30 minutes, logging over to another toon in between farming loops, and amass a nice amount of mushrooms in a short few days. These also sell VERY well in the Auction House.

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Purple Lotus - this herb isn't found in many areas of the game, either, but is nowhere near as valuable as the Ghost Mushrooms are. Purple Lotus can be used to level Alchemy to some of the more interesting recipes, however.

Farming For Runecloth

Runecloth is where I got very fortunate in terms of cheap powerlevelling: Three or four guildmates had an overabundance of Runecloth eating up bank space on their toons and since they had no immediate nor forseeable future use for the cloth other than to sell it, a lot of it came to me.

I'd like to think that their generosity was a result of my own generosity in the past, but I also know that what makes our guild work so well is that everyone who has been in the guild for more than 6 months is constantly in a state of both Giving and Receiving with other guildmates. (New people take a bit to get into this cycle, but the good ones fit right in after 6 months)

At any rate, I found that the trek from using Runecloth to advance my Tailoring skill through to being able to use Netherweave was a MUCH shorter grind than from Silk to Mageweave or Mageweave to Runecloth.

If I would have had to farm Runecloth, I've found through research and experimentation that the Western Plaguelands is a great place to farm if you're alone (Scarlet humanoids north of the road, especially, but the undead drop 'em too), but if you have a friend or two who is looking to get some quick experience and maybe burn off some quests as well, consider entering into the dungeon instance of Blackrock Depths which is chock full of humanoids, has some decent drops for pre-Outland toons (getting way better in patch 2.3!) and a lot of quests to help those 50s toons zoom into the 60s.

Netherweave Everything

With one toon at level cap (70) and another toon actively working through the 60s (and everyone over 35 with 375 First Aid already), I had about 70 stacks of Netherweave Cloth stacked up on one of my bank toons, just waiting to be used. One of my guildmates had the same deal going on, so he sent me all of HIS Netherweave Cloth as well, and I sent him back a bunch of 16 slot bags as they skilled me up at the time.

Major Relief On The Bank Toon

Wow, after going through all of that Netherweave Cloth, my storage bank toon had a LOT of free space - for about three hours.

What did I fill it up with again? Check back another day to find out the exciting answer! ;)