Staying in your tier. Converting xp gain

So, it occurred to me at lvl 30 that, if I wanna stay in tier 3, there is nothing I can do about it sxcept not play the game. Moreover, I really wanted to stay in tier 3.

Besides being at the top of my game @ lvl 31, I also realized there really wasn't much point to filling out awesome armor, because I would soon level out of it anyway.

So I thought this might be of some interest to people, lemme know what you think:

At any level, but prefferibly the x1's, you are able to get 99% xp and STOP gaining xp; be it with an ability or a /command. Now, every xp point you gain will be converted into rested xp, so once you are ready to advance to the next tier, you may have entire levels worth of rested xp, shortening that time where you are lvl 12 in a lvl 21's scenerio.

Counterpoint to possible arguement-

*Yes, guilds may have every member save up 1,2,3 tier characters for systematic zone control, but if you think that isn't going to happen anyway, you are kidding yourself.

No. Bad idea. Been discussed to death already.

Because the majority of people coming up through the levels have no desire to be perma ganked by twinks level locked at 31/31 with best possible gear.

There are already games where this is allowed, and all tiers below max level are dominated by the twinks doing just this. War does not need this kind of behaviour.

The ironic thing is those %26quot;twinks%26quot; are some of the few instances were people play to just have fun, no reward in mind. Ya they are geared to the teeth and prey on the undergeared, but they have no tangible reward for doing it other than joy. Something to consider when making a game, no?

It's fun to beat up people smaller than you?

Cetain types of peoples %26quot;fun%26quot; is not to be encouraged. Players that enjoy steamrolling the opposition most of the time because they have the best gear available and are at the lvl cap for the bracket are in pretty much the same category of people who would enjoy being allowed to take their max lvl chars back down in to T1 and 2 and gank helpless lowbies.

This game doesn't cater to those types of players and thats a good thing, they can go else where.

Well both sides had twinks so it wasn't a complete steam roll.

That's one of the best things about getting XP in RvR: no twinks. If each scenario was filled with twinks, it would be detrimental to those who were leveling with the scenarios. It happens in T4, but the goal in T4 is to get to 40 and then become strong yourself, whereas people in the lower tiers just want to get to 40. Do you really want teams half full of geared, rank 11/21/31 BWs absolutely destroying everyone?

Go back to WoW with a mid-level character and try to have fun in AB. Just try, I dare you. It's full of twinked out hunters and rogues. They decide the game's outcome, not you; you're just there for their enjoyment.

No I totally agree it sucked if you weren't twinked but T2/3 are going to be empty very soon. Mythic needs to do something to increase the population in all Tiers. This game is designed around having people to fight. If leveling up is so draining and unfun that it deters people from rolling alts Mythic may as well delete the content from R12-30.

This game has pretty much seen the biggest influx of players it is ever going to. We can't count on 30-40 new people every couple days on every server leveling up. Time to start brain storming.

Maybe if they de-boosted your weapons, player and skills to level 28 I would support this idea. Maybe.

Maybe it'd work if you could only level lock at, say, level 6, 16, 26 or similar.

People don't seem to realise what T4 is. You're level 32, fighting level 40s with epics. How is that any worse than fighting 31s in blues?

twinks are bad, no need for them. and the current system promotes alts (i love norden watch, so i have a slot just to level someone to 12 then delete and start over).


Being all-powerful at 40 is supposed to be the aim, not to be all-powerful at 31. In T4, a level 32 is at a massive disadvantage, but now the goal is to reach 40 and gear up, not simply move on to the next tier.

I'm sure my logic is more than a little hazy, but I'd rather be farmed for one tier rather than four.

And there is nothing to stop people from twinking out at the lower levels, but this advantage can only be enjoyed for so long, and that is the limiting factor.

Gear doesn't make much of a difference. The greens compare very well with blues and purples. I'd even say that most blues I've seen are worst than greens .

I have no issue with this.

Well given how many people say they hate T3 - T4 I could see the %26quot;good side%26quot; of a %26quot;stop XP button%26quot;. But I would rather Mythic fixed the game so half the classes don't feel the game is more fun in T1-T2.

I dislike the chickening system. I understand why they did it, but I dnt like it. You are being punished for levelling by being locked out of content (Scenario's and RvR in lower tiers). Imo, a de-leveler system would be the best. You are already being buffed to 8, 18, 28 etc if you are lower level, so why not being debuffed to 8, 18, 28 etc?

It would encourage everyone to play everywhere and not just in their own tier. I'd rather face a group of 20+ who are debuffed in a T1 RvR lake, then seeing just a lone soul or two.

New idea, based off the Op's;

Yes, give people the ability to level lock, but make it only availiable at the bolster rank for the current tier you are in;

T1 - 6

T2 - 16

T3 - 26

T4 - 36 - No point level locking here (realised after posting)

At least then you could have an advantage over the level lockers (by being higher than the bolster rank), and the lockers could still stick around for orvr (so those tiers dont eventually become dead, with the only 'war' happening in T4)


Agreed, more or less. If they implemented a %26quot;stop xp%26quot;, it'd go from Warhammer: Age of Reckoning to Warhammer: Age of Twinkedtier2istheonlyactivity.