We just put up notice of the Warhammer Online 1.0.5 patch hitting the live servers, and the advent of official test servers. But what what does the patch mean? How is it going to affect your character class? Spinks over at Book of Grudges has done a fantastic job of breaking down the notes and clearing the decks for each archetype. According to the blogger, it sounds as though Healers, Ironbreakers, and classes relying on roots were the big losers. Heal over time spells recieved a big nerf, and the Ironbreaker 'grudge' mechanic has gotten a big slapping down as well.
Meanwhile pet classes have come out as the big winners, and all users of the damage over time-style spells will see an increase in their damage. Be sure to let us know in the comments what you think of the new changes as you begin to see their impact on gameplay!