Tank/Healer Not Required: An Alternate Universe

One of the many repeat topics of conversation regarding the World of Warcraft grouping dynamic is the question of whether there's "enough" tanks and healers to support the number of DPS characters looking to complete the same content.

That is, are there enough players with proper skills, proper equipment and proper talent specializations (in that order) to handle the duties of Tank and Healer adequately in a group with three DPS players.

On Zul'jin, there are regularly times where it's obvious some groups are having problems finding Healers and Tanks (could it be that some DPS folk have earned bad reputations?) and I've seen 6 DPS and 0 Tanks and Healers listed for Zul'Farrak in LFG as well as been in parties that disbanded after trying fruitlessly for a tank or healer, so I know our realm isn't immune to this problem.

The topic itself deserves a family of entries dedicated to it (I wrote about a wee part of it back here, in the section labelled 'What no LFG tool will ever fix'), and there are number of people who have already written mounds on the topic - one day I'll link some of the ones I have found and my thoughts about the whole thing, but that's not today.

Today, all I wish to do is show a wee bit of screenshot that I took in the past few days - I felt by looking at the LFG line output that I was living in an Alternate Universe where there were more Tanks and Healers than DPS toons about, because it seemed to me that there was actual competition for DPS classes to join dungeon parties.


Early December 2007 in Zul鈥檍in, tanks and healers full up!