I started to play a few days ago, and so far im loving the game! I was a Wow player, and so far War seems way better.
Anyways... you guys have any idea when the character transfers will be active? I got some in this really empty server, and would really like to take them into a more populated server. The fact that theres sooo few people online is somehow making the game less fun for me, and I dont realy have that much free time to start in a new server a new character.
My Dad claims he already was transfered, so I dunno, I think they're happening in rounds.
Mehhh, just read that European servers aren't having any character transfers, yet... quite sad as we have tons of empty servers (low population) and loads of characters/players all spread out who are sooo eager to gather up.
Hope they fix this soon. Got some friends who are freezing their account because of it. *shrugs*
Anyways thanks for the quick reply!
since your europe, they just released some news about it:
Just as a head's up - we're expecting European character transfers to go live in some two weeks or so. Hopefully, we'll have a proper ETA in a week's time. So whereas it's not set in stone yet, that's the sort of time scale we're looking at
biggest problem is your letting people transfer of of makassion onto burlok.. my poor order characters are gonna be stuck on a dead server.. lol
Thanks for stopping in and giving us a heads up so we have something to share with our EU fellows!
Thanks for the update, Magnus!!
Good seeing you again!
Aye, it's good to be back! With me and Nic taking turns tanking for GOA, there's just much more time and energy left for you guys and other smaller communities
The fate of Makaisson is something we're discussing. I've followed the discussions on the Makaisson server boards and I've also corresponded with a few guys from the server. The community at Makaisson is both unique and precious. There's many factors involved in all of this, but do trust that the voice of Makaisson is represented in this debate.