Is anyone else experiencing horrible lag? I ran WoW perfectly with no problems but this, I can barely move and muchless do any actions. I doubt its my computer unless WAR requires a mega computer for it to run properly.Nope. This is W.A.R., not WOW and they have stated for years that a system that can run WOW perfectly and high end is at BEST a low end W.A.R. system.
Post your specs.....and be honest.
You might want to check into getting a new graphics card. Something with a little extra kick to it. Im haveing the same problem and after analyzing my computer everything is running top end except for my GFX card is about 3 years old. Don't be discuoraged next time you get ganked in RVR. Happens to alot of us with machines that didn't cost $3000 to build.
I'm having these laggs as well, here are my specs.
Processer: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4800+
GF card: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS (640 mb old model)
DirectX : Version 9.0c (oktober 2007)
i can run wow perfectly too, and i seem to have these minor laggs no matter what setting im using too. Fastest framerate or Best quality makes no changes what so ever
My machine didn't cost me $3000 to build and I never have an issue. You make alot of unfounded assumptions...
i have noticed that if you travel to lots of diffrent places then i tend to start to lag, all i do is log out and then log back in and im fine.
but if your getting computer lag, everyting a bit slow, things take a few secs to register then its your pc
there is a site out there that will test your machine for its specs, i wont link cos morg dosnt like that and i like it in here, but google can my pc run it or something and check your specs.
also turn off any Anti virus you have running, that can cripple most systems even with out running a game.
and finally defrag your hard disc, if you have a messy hard disc it can slow you down allot.
I've been noticing the same thing, it's usually at it's worst if I go to either of the capital cities although I've found Altdorf to be far worse forcing my to either log off or suffer a slide show to get something done and then tome out of there fast. I ran the test on the site provided above and I more the meet the minimum spec with the result ending up almost 75% along the display bar.
I have a gaming setting on my antivirus which is supposed to reduce it's ram and cpu usage and does seem to, but I can't be sure.
What I have noticed is that this kind of lag seems to get worse with time played. and I generally don't run anything else in the background when playing.
I would have thought it would be worse for everyone in capital cities due to the high density of NPCs/buildings etc however it shouldn't be as bad as a slide show or force logout. What are your computer specs Kalean? Also which settings do you play on?
If i were you i'd run a few tests with and without the anti-virus software running, see if you can see a difference. Check the volume of processing each application takes on your ctrl+alt+dlt tab also, i usually do that if i feel something's slowing my gaming down
At work at the moment so can't put the specs up right now will try to remember to do it in the morning.
As to the settings I almost always run games at the best for performance rather then appearance as I prefer smooth play over pretty play, in WAR's case that would be fastest frame rate, What I can tell you from memory is that I'm runnning a dual core amd, 2g ram on vista, with a 128mb ati radeon graphics card, x1200 I think, (not an on board) toshiba equium laptop, I'll get the full spec as I said tomorrow morning. It gets most annoying when in scenarios, as things seem to take several clicks for moral abilities or even to target a player that's not in my group to heal. Have partially solved that by binding the taret nearest friendly and next friendly to the f and v keys to make targeting them a bit easier.
Again it's not like this all the time and only seems to get worse if I've been playing for an hour or two. After which if I log off and leave for a while it's all ok again.
As for the cities the inevitable city wasn't too bad still very choppy but playable, Altdorf on the other hand was a case of find the bank drop the items and get out.
Still as I'm planning on getting a new pc after christmas, and I can play fine for the most part I can tip along as is for now.
Edit: Just an update on this, I went and manually updated the drivers for my network and graphics cards, had to do this manually as the update driver feature on vista actually installed an older driver version. After this I also updated the files on my modem/router and now I can walk around altdorf with out too much trouble, still have the odd jump and skip but it's more the managable. And also the lag I was seeing in the scenarios has vanished too. Seems the drivers were having a big impact on this too.
try and turn off the lighting options in the craphics options. it will kill high end PC's. I know it did with me.
8800 GTX
Core 2 Duo 2.2 Ghz
2 gig ram
Ty for the link on system requirments didnt think such a thing existed, seems my comp is more then capable of handling the game. Unfortunatley im having serious lag and freezing problems as well, ive noticed the majority of these problems do plague me when entering new zones or the first mintue or so of a scenario, things of that nature. Truth be told im not the smartest guy when it comes to computers and their issues so i guess ill tweak the ingame settings again and see what happens.
Chuck the ingame settings down to Fastest Framerate, then run around checking out the nearest warcamp. If you still experience quite bad lag it's either your ram which means you likely need to close some of your background programs before starting, or your drivers are out of date. Visit and try out the free trial of Driver Detective, which should let you know if you do have any outdated drivers. (Most manufacturers or distributors will have the updated versions free on their websites)