Some guilds only seem to do heroic difficulty dungeons just for the badges of justice and nothing else. This seemed to be the case of the guild I left a few months ago. They are currently one of the top guilds in my server on the horde side and they do mostly Tempest Keep and Serpent Shrine Cavern. Doing heroic difficulty dungeons won't exactly give them (at least most of them) better gear.
Some guilds like the one I currently am in are just about to get into Karazhan and others are working their way towards clearing it. I'm excited for my guild because I've waited a long time for them to get to 70 and get keyed. It will be a fun yet also painful learning process for most of us but the important thing is that we're doing it together.
Whether you belong to a guild like mine or the one I currently left the latest news about badges of justice will benefit both.
Badges of Justice will drop off bosses in Karazhan and Zul'Aman, I believe 1-2 for each player per boss, but it could still vary a bit since patch 2.3 is still on the PTR.
There will also be a daily heroic dungeon quest, completing this will provide you with (currently) 2 additional badges if you complete it.
Bornakk, Blizzard Poster. WoW Community Site
Considering that there are also new and better items coming that you can buy with your badges of justice, this piece of news is all the more exciting.