WoW Editorial - Class Discrimination

In the World of Warcraft there is a huge number of classes, these are further divided up into more sub-classes through the talent system.��With all the various types of characters out there, are some players left out?��Are some turned into the peons, toiling away farming in the fields, while others get a free ride to join the reigning elite?��

Players that chose to DPS should really ensure that they are either at the absolute top of the gear / skill ratio or pick a DPS class that brings some serious group benefit.��Failing to do that, they should expect and understand why they are not always able to find a group.��After all who wants all hunters or rogues in a group with their limited group buffs.��Sure they can both MD and Tranq but they don't offer a whole lot else other than big DPS, and that's not enough all the time.
Jump in and see what Byron �ユ发essiah��Mudry has to say on this topic in his Editorial: WoW Class Discrimination.

The Violet Hold Guide

The Kirin Tor are in a desperate battle to defend Dalaran against Malygos and his blue dragonflight. Wanting to destroy any mortals who dare to use magic Malygos has begun his assault on the city in the Kirin Tor

WoW - Ulduar: Yogg-Saron Strategy Guide

Yogg-Saron is the last regular boss in the Ulduar instance.��He is an exceptionally complicated boss to defeat with three separate phases each requiring coordination, movement and skill from all players involved.��his is the boss that many players have issues with and the reason many guilds still have not cleared Ulduar. If you are still having difficulty check out our guide for all the details.

Crusher Tentacle ��(Phase two only) These tentacles continually attempt to channel Diminish Power which reduces all damage caused by roughly 20% to anyone in the room, this ability stacks from up to 4 tentacles.��It can be interrupted by being hit by melee.��Each time they are hit by melee though they gain a focused anger buff which stacks to 100.��Each stack increases damage dealt and attack speed by 3%. If melee is in range while angered, the tentacles will attack them instead of channelling Diminish Power.
You can find all the details here: Yogg-Saron Strategy Guide.

WoW: Instance Guide Portal

Our Instance guide portal for World of Warcraft has all of the info you need to know about instances in one place. We've got a large list of available guides to help you through the various instances and raids along with a guide on just what instances are, how to prepare, and more. So don't struggle to work your way through the instances when we've got all of the instance guides you need to get to the next level.

There are two types of instances in WoW. Group instances (collectively called 5-man instances) and raids. A 5-man instance is called a 5-man instance for a simple reason: they only allow 5 people inside. Those 5 people are given their own dungeon to fight in and no one else is allowed in. The groups generally consist of a tank (someone to take damage), a healer (someone to heal the damage taken), and three damage dealers (to deal damage to the enemies) in order to defeat the enemies and bosses inside.

Our instance guides can help you get to the next level!

World of Warcraft Patch 3.3 Preview

Another patch Tuesday is rapidly approaching the World of Warcraft, as guilds scramble to complete Trial of the Grand Crusader and notch a few more achievements before the new content hits. The PTR notes are changing weekly and more content is available for play testing. As the changes finally turn to tweaks and most of the content is revealed, we can finally offer up a preview of what is in store for us in Icecrown Citadel and beyond.

Patch 3.3 is one of the most highly ambitious patches to hit the game since Wrath launched, and many of its changes will help pave the way to the transition to patch 4.0. Keep in mind that while most of these changes will end up live, this is still on the test realm and is subject to change at any time.
You can review the entire preview here.

WoW: Hunter Guide

Fresh new information has been poured into several of Ten Ton Hammer

WoW: Paladin Guide

Our World of Warcraft Paladin guide has just relaunched with some big updates. So far we have updated the main page, the basics page, and the combat page, with much more to come! If you are a Paladin, or looking to start a new character and are thinking about playing a Paladin this guide is for you. So go ahead and click on the link and check out our new Paladin Guide!

A Paladin is the Knight in shining armour in the World of Warcraft. The paladin is a hybrid class that was initially for the Alliance faction only that is a combination priest and warrior. With the release of the Burning Crusade, Horde gained access to the class through the Blood Elf race. While not strictly as good as either base class at doing either function, they are flexible and allow choices in their role in groups. If you like warriors but want the option to do something other than just combat, or like the priest but don't want to be just a supporting character, then the paladin may be for you. You will be able to change the paladin�ユ� primary role as you play and switch between tanking, causing damage and healing.
You can find it all in our Paladin Guide.

WoW Weekly Report: The Overpull - "Camping or Questing?"

The Overpull this week brings a heaping helping of news, cool facts, and a hefty amount of discussion. This week we go over the tanking changes in Icecrown, camping or questing?, the war between the Alliance and the Horde, and lots of other cool and exciting things. Check out the Overpull today! Remember, you can also subscribe online to get it sent automatically to your email each week.

Quel'Delar is coming. It�ユ� got a backstory. It seems that the vampire guild that Arthas is contracting out to run his operations while he works on the A/C in his castle is led by some Blood Elf who shattered it. You�ユ�l need to get some shards and purify it in the Sunwell in order to wield this epic purp. Guess we�ユ�l see where that goes.

The Overpull comes each in your mail or online.

Kirin Tor Reputation Guide

Probably one of the most interesting factions to earn reputation with In the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King expansion, is a group of mages known as the Kirin Tor. No longer hiding in their giant purple bubble, the city of Dalaran has been wrentched from the earth and now floats serenely over Northrend. The many heroes of Azeroth have been invited to join the mages in their beautiful city to help in the fight against the Lich King. The Kirin Tor offer many daily quests and some fairly decent rewards for those who work for their favor.

Before the Kirin Tor was in existence, mages of all sorts lived in a place called Strom. Hardships were many there and eventually some moved north where the city of Dalaran was created with much help from the high elves. The city eventually became the center of arcane study and a haven for magic users.

To read all about click here

World Of Warcraft: Nostalgia Content - Bringing the Past Back to Life

We have all the heard the phrase "back in my day we used to..." and while most of us roll our eyes at the old timer as they wax nostalgic about walking uphill in the snow both ways, many of us can empathize as we think back to our favorite memories. Adages like this also hold true in persistent world gaming, where new content is constantly churned out to keep the virtual hamsters spinning in our wheels and to keep the game fresh and alive. With the largest percentage of its current player base picking up the game at the launch of one of its two expansions, World of Warcraft is a game full of long abandoned content and zones that many only catch fleeting glimpses of as they power level their way to catch up with friends. With the revamping of Onyxia and the anticipation of the complete overhaul the old world is going to get in Catacylsm, the wheel have begun to turn in the wayback machine, join Medawky this week as he looks back in time and wonders what other content would make for compelling encounters as Wrath of the Lich King winds down.

In addition to Lord Kazzak and the world dragons, vanilla WoW featured several world epic bosses that were triggered by quests. These events ran the spectrum from solo to group to full raid parties and added a huge level of immersion to the game that has been, in my opinion, lacking from the current build of the game. With the reintroduction of Onyxia both the priest and hunter epics could get a revamp as well as finding a way to bring back something akin to Thunderfury. Check out the entire article here, and be sure to tell us your favorite zone from days of yore and why you think it should or shouldn't be revisited in the forums.

Sons of Hodir Reputation Guide

One of the many factions that you can earn reputation with in the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, is the group of giants called the Sons of Hodir. ��hey are found in their ice fortress called Dun Niffelem which looks surprisingly like Superman�ユ� Fortress of Solitude.��The group offers a lot of options to players including many daily quests to do and some very cool rewards.��In fact this is the faction that many consider the Must have faction in WotLK.��

Hot and Cold has you collect Essence of Ice from the Brittle Revenants located just east of Dun Niffelem.��You then head a bit further east to find smoldering scraps.��Use the ice on the scraps to create frozen iron scraps to collect and turn in for the quest. Depending on how lucky you are this quest can take from five to twenty minutes.��
Join Byron �ユ发essiah��Mudry in this guide to find out why it is the must have faction: Sons of Hodir Reputation Guide.

The Overpull - 10.27.09 - "Race Changing Still Broken"

The Overpull is coming at you again this week with more WoW news, lore, and fun. This week we go over Blizzchat, The Guild, the WoW comic split, the PTR, and the history of Kel'thuzad. Come on and join us each week as we give you the scoop on WoW news and more.

Festergut is boring to me and I�ユ� sure 9/10ths of you don�ユ� care about anything but Arthas or maybe Arthas�ユ� cool little vampire guild he made when he found Twilight laying around his throne room. Anyway Festergut spawns a lot of gas. Insert fart joke. Rotface spews a lot of slimes. I�ユ� getting an eerie Naxxramas feel here. Maybe Kel�ユ┏huzad will finish off Arthas and make himself the true Lich king, since he�ユ� a lich, and we�ユ�e going to need another patch before Cataclysm.

The Overpull this week awaits.

Argent Crusade Reputation Guide

The Argent Crusade are major players in the battle against the Lich King. They also offer many rewards for those adventurers with enough determination to level up faction with them. This guide will provide a helping hand to do just that.

There are more quests than you think available to help you improve your standing with the Argent Crusade. Even better most of these quests can and will be completed while you are leveling! Below is a list of all the normal quests available to you to earn reputation. Included will be how much reputation will be gained from each quest, quest level, and if the quest is faction specific only.

To read the whole guide click here

WoW: Drak鈥橳haron Keep and Gundrak Achievement Guide

With the Wrath of the Lich king cycle for World of Warcraft almost complete, it is time for everyone to finish up all of their achievement goals.��For many players that means finishing all of the Heroic mode instance achievements. In Byron �ユ发essiah��Mudry�ユ� guide this week he walks you through getting all the achievements from the two instances located in Zul�ユ�rak.��If you do not have the nine achievements that you can get between Drak�ユ┏haron Keep and Gundrak make sure to check out the guide.

Snakes. Why�ユ� it have to be snakes? Achievement - Taken straight out of one of my favourite movies, this is a personal achievement, not a group achievement.��While in this fight I can almost picture Dr. Jones saying the line.��If you do not get snake wrapped during the fight you will earn the achievement, regardless of the rest of the group.��This achievement is pretty easy if you have solid AOE DPS. Check out all the details on how to get these achievements here:Drak�ユ┏haron Keep and Gundrak Achievement Guide.

WoW: Mage Guide

Our World of Warcraft Mage Guide relaunches better than ever. We've got a lot of new and updated content. It's like a full Arcane library. We've got a new basics and combat page along with an updated list of trainers, Mage quests, and a lot more. If you're a Mage, old or new, then this guide is for you. So head on over and take a look at our new Mage guide!

Welcome to the Ten Ton Hammer Mage Guide. It�ユ� your comprehensive guide to the Mage class in World of Warcraft. Mages are the de facto magic user class known for their powerful magical damage both to single targets area of effect. Damage isn�ユ� the only thing the Mage is good for. They�ユ�e capable of slowing down enemies, summoning food and drink for allies, locking down their enemies��magical abilities, and can even summon a temporary pet to aid in battle.

Our Mage Guide is your source for Mage info.

WoW: Heroic Nexus Boss and Achievement Guide

Tucked in the far corner of Northrend, The Nexus is the home to the malevolent leader of the Blue Dragonflight, Malygos. The area consists of three unique areas to adventure in with two five player dungeons and a ten or twenty five player raid instance at the pinnacle. Today we focus on the entry level zone that shares its name with the area, The Nexus. Join Medawky as he gives you the tips and tricks to take down the bosses residing inside and grab the Heroic Achievements while you are at it.

Quote: The Nexus has an open ended feel that allows adventurers to travel multiple paths to kill bosses in almost any order they prefer. Grand Magus Telestra is typically the second boss killed and is the holder of the achievement

The Overpull - 10.19.09 - "Hallow's End and the History of Stormwind"

The Overpull is back this week with more news, gossip, and fun all relating to World of Warcraft. This week we talk about guys who play girls or girls who play guys, The Guild's latest episode's insanity, a look into the kings of Stormwind, and recap the rest of this week's news. Be sure to subscribe if you want to see The Overpull in your inbox every Tuesday morning.

So, Varian Wrynn gets his kingdom razed to the ground, flees across the continent, has his best friend become the Lich King, gets his wife killed in a riot, and then gets abducted. He breaks out and then loses his memory. He becomes a gladiator slave kind of thing with Broll Bearmantle and Valeera Sanguinar. He fights for awhile and becomes �ユ�o�ユ─osh�� He goes through a lot of fighting and gets cleansed and finds out he�ユ� the leader of the Alliance.

The Overpull is here again this week!

Editorial 鈥?Which World of Warcraft Class makes the best Tank?

When you group in the World of Warcraft there are three sets of characters: Tanks, Healers, and DPS.��They are listed in that order, as that is the order of importance in any group.��Without a Tank, you can�ユ� realistically group.��Without a Healer, you may as well not have a Tank.��DPS, while important is a very distance third in importance to your main party members.��So when forming a group, you know you need to get a tank, but which one?��Which of the four possible tank classes are best?��Should you pick the AOE based Paladin or Death Knight, or should you pick the more single target based Warrior or Druid? ��

Paladin ��This class was initially not that great of a tanking class.��While they could tank, they had some serious issues pre-BC.��Even when the Burning Crusade was released they still were not that great, but then patch 2.3 hit and Paladin tanks took over. In their current state Paladin tanks have good health, mitigation, and avoidance.��In addition Paladins can supply some amazing buffs to the rest of the group and have some very solid cool downs.��Lastly Paladins have the best threat generation for AOE groups and very solid threat on single targets as well.
Byron �ユ发essiah��Mudry looks at the various options for tanks that exist and their current viability in the World of Warcraft in his editorial Which World of Warcraft Class makes the best Tank?

Popularity Oversurge

Get ready to stroke your e-peen, show off your welfare epics and otherwise claim your dominance over the other hordes of World of Warcraft players. This week Mem takes a look at those players who take showing off your gear to a whole new level.

Most of us at some point in time are guilty of stroking our e-peen. I myself am guilty of posting the damage meters to show off my numbers or linking that new piece of gear to anyone who will listen. This is all part of the game and honestly there is nothing wrong with tooting your own horn once in awhile
Click here to read all about it

A Retrospective Look at World of Warcraft in 2009

Join Ten Ton Hammer as we take a look back at all of the highlights in 2009. We have it all covered, from patch 3.1 to patch 3.3 and everything in-between. We look back at the popular viral videos, Ulduar, the Argent Tournament, and the other big highlights of the year. Stay tuned as we continue covering news in WoW and bringing you the very best guides all throughout 2010 and beyond.

Of course, Patch 3.1 came out in April as well. It gave us the Argent Tournament, Ulduar, a ton of new class changes (as usual), and the realization of the new welfare system. Before, if you weren�ユ� a ground floor raider then you were pretty much screwed. With the new system any player at any skill level could easily get into the previous tier of loot without much trouble. This secured raiding as the endgame activity which has more or less lasted until the present.

Look back with us at 2009 in WoW and get ready to enjoy the New Year!

WoW: Rogue Equipment Guide

WoW Weekly Report "Dragons? Why yes, we have them."

The Overpull is here again this week with all of your World of Warcraft news that you can use along with a lot of extra bonuses. Our WoW newsletter this week goes over the lore behind dragons, the dungeon finder, and it even asks if you think TBC was a good expansion after a year of being spoiled with WotLK. Well, do you?

There are five colors of dragons (there were more at one time but there isn�ユ� any more) and those five colors were given amazing powers by the Titans. The colors were Black for Earth, Blue for Magic, Bronze for Time, Green for Nature, and Red for Life. These colors could also just be organized into: Black for EVIL, Blue for CRAZY, Bronze for CREEPY, Green for HIPPY, and Red for I AM BETTER THAN YOU.

The Overpull awaits you this week, with talk of dragons.

WoW: Death Knight Equipment Guide

WoW: How to play a Retribution Paladin

So you want to lay the holy smack down on the enemy? Want to prove that Paladins can dish it out as well as they can take it? Well, you have come to the right place. Retribution Paladins bring a lot of DPS to the table in a group, they also bring a lot of group benefits.

Probably the most important talents are your Crusaders Strike and Divine Storm, since they will form 2 of the 5 main attacks that make up your DPS rotation. For more information on that rotation skip down to the Attack Rotation section of the guide. Crusader's Strike is a single target attack with a short cooldown that will become a staple in all of your rotations, while Divine Storm hits multiple targets and factors in against groups of enemies.
Check out all that they do bring to the table in our updated How to Play a Retribution Paladin guide by Byron "Messiah" Mudry.

Behind the Curtains - The Story Behind Popular WoW Memes

Ever wonder where the Chuck Norris craze came from, or why people are shouting MINUS 50 DKP at you during Onyxia? Surprisingly enough many people have no idea where these memes got their start even though they are used constantly in the World of Warcraft we play. This guide will explore several of the most popular (and my personal favorite) World of Warcraft memes to bring enlightenment to us all.

Chuck Norris, the Onyxia wipe video, and Leeroy Jenkins are just some examples of the phenomenon that is the internet meme. An internet meme is any catchphrase or concept that spreads quickly from person to person using methods available through the Internet. World of Warcraft provides not only the perfect environment for these memes to spread, but also the perfect means to create new memes born out of the game.


WoW: Ashen Verdict Reputation Guide

A war is brewing in the World of Warcraft. The Ashen Verdict, a combination of the forces of the Knights of the Ebon Blade and the Argent Crusade are working to make a final assault against Icecrown Citadel in hopes to bring down the Lich King. Heroes are being called from across the land to join ranks, but in order to join up you will have to prove your worth, but once you do the rewards will be great. This guide will help you on your journey to gain reputation with the Ashen Verdict.

The Ashen Verdict was forged out of an alliance between the formidable Argent Crusade, led by Highlord Tirion Fordring, and the Knights of the Ebon Blade, led by Highlord Darion Mograine. Reminiscent of the Shattered Sun Offensive these two different organizations have come together for a common purpose, to lead the final assault against the Scourge in Icecrown Citadel and bring about the fall of the Lich King.
To read more click here.

WoW: Weekly Report: The Overpull - "What's his power level?"

The WoW Weekly Report: The Overpull is here again with more news, lore, and more for World of Warcraft. This week we delve into the "hot" topic of merchandising and discuss the power levels of various characters in the lore. Join us each week as we go over all the happenings in WoW.

I think the big issue with Hot Topic isn�ユ� how a major corporation often tries to pretend it�ユ� punk rock when punk rock is all about doing things yourself and fighting the system. I think the big issue is that now that punk rock and vampires are devoured by the masses it has moved on to devouring Internet memes. You can find a lot of stuff in their store that goes on and on about dead Internet memes and just sigh to yourself as the tween population, who are now feasting on those memes (because they�ユ�e the last ones to �ユ�et��them), buys the store out.

The Overpull is about power levels so why wouldn't you click? Get to reading!

Worst Class in the World of Warcraft?

Nerf Druids! Buff Paladins! You are way too OP! Man that was a typical Hunter move! Every World of Warcraft player is familiar with these discussions. On the forums, in vent, and even in general chat, most players will readily point out which classes they feel are OP, or which are more prone to spells of general silliness. But if you look hard enough you can find faults in almost every class, it

WoW: How to Play a Holy Paladin

So you want to be everyone's knight in shining armor and save the day? Well, you�ユ�e come to the right place. This guide will walk you through the basics of playing a holy based Paladin, or Healadin as they are commonly called.

There are several other critical talents in the Holy tree for a Healadin such as Spiritual Focus (70% chance to not lose casting time when hit), Illumination (critical heals return 30% of the base mana cost of the spell), and Divine Favor (next heal is a critical one, 2 minute cool down). There are also many others that are important, such as increased intelligence, increased critical chance on holy spells, and a reduction to cast time, but the first 3 are your core.
Join Byron "Messiah" Mudry as he teaches you the basics of playing a Holy Paladin.

WoW Guide: How to Play a Survival Hunter

This week Mem delves deep into the realm of Survival Hunters and attempts to bring you a comprehensive guide to lead you on your way to DPS greatness. Inside the guide will be answers to many of the questions asked by those new to the Survival spec and perhaps even provide some helpful tips for those old school Survival Hunters.

Playing a Hunter of any spec can be a ton of fun, but despite what most people think there is a lot more to Hunter

WoW Guide: How to Play a Healing Priest

So you

WoW: Argent Tournament Guide

The Argent Tournament was formed in front of Icecrown Citadel to train and select the warriors for the upcoming battle in World of Warcraft. It's also a place to do daily quests, gain reputation/achievements, and much more. We now have a complete guide to the tournament that's short, sweet, and gives you all you need to know to get Crusader in no time and start buying heirlooms and special tabards. While you're here, don't forget we do have guides to the Trial of the Champion and Trial of the Crusader instances if you need help on those too.

You will begin on your jousting mount (you can choose any mount out there; they are unlocked as you become champions with the other factions). After you mount up, travel to the location of the joust (The Valiant jousting area is beside each tent and you can challenge the opposing faction�ユ� Valiants if you so wish while the Champion jousting area is on the south side).

The Argent Tournament awaits those who are ready to fight.

WoW Editorial - Most Needed Classes in Raids

Everyone understands that while any class can fit into a raid, there are certain classes that end up being more prevalent since they are in more demand. This has a lot to do with what buffs they bring, what damage or healing they bring, and what synergy they bring to the raid. It also has a lot to do with what roles they can fill.

As you can see raid class makeup has a lot of room to play around with, especially in 25 player raids.��There are usually 10 specific classes and sub-builds that I really want in the raid.��Past that it becomes a balancing act of which classes work best together, which buff best, who has the most gear, who you know and have grouped with in the past, and more.��It is not an exact science.��
Find out which classes Byron "Messiah" Mudry brings to his raids and why in this weeks editorial - Most Needed Classes in Raids.

The Overpull Issue 42 - "Elves, Elves, and Turkey!"

Thanksgiving and Black Friday might be coming up soon, but in World of Warcraft we have Pilgrim's Bounty to worry about along with rogue Mohawk Grenades going off everywhere. This week we bring you an Overpull full of news, a new comic, talk about elves, and discussion about the BGs. Check in each Tuesday morning for a brand new Overpull that goes over everything in the past week.

Anyway, the Highborne were pretty much at the beck and call of Azshara. Azshara was their queen because��get this, SHE WAS THE BESTEST MOST PRETTIEST LOOKING ELF OF THEM ALL. I keep laughing everytime I think about it. Azshara wanted to make THE ENTIRE WORLD PRETTY, LOL, so they planned on using the WELL OF ETERNITY (say that with a reverb voice) to accomplish this. Biggest baddie out there Sargeras heard of this, mind control�ユ� most of the Highborne, and sent �ユΖl Mannorath, Archimonde, and Hakkar (demon not the troll guy) out to help Azshara out. Well, Illidan, Malfurion, Tyrande, Saurfang�ユ� brother, Rhonin, and Krasus kicked some butt and sent Sargeras packing. Blah blah, this story is the usual, except with more CLEAVE.

The Overpull awaits!

WoW Priest Guide

WoW Guide to the Vault of Archavon

The Vault of Archavon is a raid dungeon found in Wintergrasp Keep in the World of Warcraft.��VOA, as it is commonly referred to, is a relatively simple raid and one that many players get to experience since it is very simple to group for and complete.��It contains three bosses and very few trash creatures that need to be dealt with and can be completed quickly.��If you haven�ユ� beat the raid yet, maybe it�ユ� time for you to learn all the strategies and defeat it before the next expansion comes out!

The other thing that makes VOA different from other raids is the loot that is available there.��Each boss can drop PvP or PvE gear of varying quality, for any class or spec in the game.��This makes loot quite random, as a piece of gear may drop for a spec or class that is not present, or all PVP gear could drop, or all PVE gear could drop.��The randomness to the loot frustrates many players.��It also means that groups should attempt to bring as many different classes and specs as possible so that most loot can be used.
You can find all the details on how to deal with this raid in our guide to The Vault of Archavon.

Pilgrim's Bounty Guide

Pilgrim's Bounty has come to World of Warcraft is the newest full fledge holiday. Never before release, Pilgrim's Bounty celebrates the American holiday of Thanksgiving and has a lot of food filled fun and achievements. Having trouble getting The Turkinator? Need tips on how to work through all of the cooking daily quests? Worry not, we now have a full Pilgrim's Bounty guide that goes over Achievements, Cooking, and everything else. So get ready to stuff your face with fun and facts with our latest Pilgrim's Bounty Guide.

This is a very big cooking event and introduces the cheapest way to grind cooking to 300 without having to explore all of Azeroth to get the materials yourself. It involves moving between three cities getting cooking ingredients to cook some delicious food. Here are the recipes which all come from the Bountiful Cookbook available at the vendors outside Thunder Bluff, Orgrimmar, and Undercity/Stormwind, Ironforge, and Darnassus along with regional supplies and holiday supplies.

Our Pilgrim's Bounty guide is here to shed light on this confusing holiday for you!

WoW: Rogue Guide Updated

Sneaking into our World of Warcraft site this week is a complete revamp of our Rogue Guide. It's now easier to navigate, up-to-date, and contains an in-depth guide to combat as a Rogue and a full listing of all of the basics (professions, races, stats, etc.). Our Rogue Guide is the resource for both aspiring and seasoned Rogues. So sneak on over and check out the changes to our Rogue Guide and all of the other class guides that have been revamped lately!

In World of Warcraft there is only one class that achieves perfection at melee DPS. That is the Rogue, WoW's stealthy cunning thief like class that is 100% pure melee DPS with an emphasis on stealth, poisons, and jabbing things with daggers, axes, maces, and swords. As one of WoW's few pure classes, the Rogue excels at doing one thing and one thing only: hitting things. While Priests melt faces and heal their friends, the Rogue sits with the other pure DPS classes in doing one thing: killing. There isn't any tanking (unless you count evasion tanking), healing, or anything else.

Our Rogue Guide is now updated and ready for you to sneak on over and read.

WoW Weekly Report - The Overpull - "The Revenge of Anub鈥檃rak"

The Overpull, our World of Warcraft newsletter, is here this week with more comics, lore, news, and fun. The center of news this week, mohawk grenades and BlizzCon @ Vegas, is included along with a new comic, a look at Anub'arak, and the weekly question for our community members.

Alright so during the War of the Spider, when that crazy Orc Ner�ユ�hul was in charge, they came in and destroyed the spider kingdom since they needed more troops for the scourge army. Anub�ユ�rak got smashed up, died, and was rez�ユ� as a servant of the Lich King. So, he was a �ユ�piderlord��before, now he�ユ� an �ユ甫ndead spiderlord�� which makes him a Crypt Lord. Spider logic, shesh.

The Overpull Issue 41 is awesome so be sure to check it out.

Oracles/Frenzyheart Reputation Guide

Deep in the vast jungle of Sholazar Basin two rival tribes live in relative seclusion. Befriend either tribe and make an enemy of the other but gain great rewards. If you are looking to decide which faction is more useful for you, or are curious about the daily quests involved in each, this guide is for you!

The Oracles are a murloc-like gorloc tribe that inhabits Sholazar Basin. They feel they are guardians of the titan technology that remains in the Basin. The Oracles are part of an ever escalating territorial war with the Frenzyheart Tribe. The Frenzyheart Tribe are fierce wolvar who were driven from their lands by the Scourge. Once they came across Sholazar Basin they decided to make it their home.

To read the full guide click here.

Obsidian Sanctum Guide

Under the frigid expanses of Dragonblight, a dark secret is kept. Sartharion with his three lieutenants keep vigil over a clutch of twilight eggs. The dark future that these eggs could set in motion could wreck havoc all across Azeroth. To learn how to defeat Sartharion and about the loot and achievements related to this instance, look here.

The Obsidian Sanctum allows for 10 or 25 man versions of the raid, and also allows groups of raiders to decide if they would like to kill all three drakes, or leave some combination of them alive. Defeating Sartharion with one or more drakes up increases the difficulty but in turn improves the loot drops.

To read all about it click here

WoW: Druid Guide

Our Druid Guide, for those tree loving Druids in World of Warcraft, has relaunched better than ever. We've got a ton of updates to make the guide as fresh as possible and easier to navigate than ever. Our Druid guide is a one stop resource for both new and seasoned Druids. We've got the basics (what's the best profession, what race to choose, etc.), the basics to combat, and an entire new layout. Stay tuned to Ten Ton Hammer as we continue to update and revamp our class guides to provide you with the most up-to-date information to help you get to the next level.

Our Ten Ton Hammer Druid Guide is full of information to help Druids, both new and seasoned. It�ユ� full of guides, tactics, walkthroughs, stats, and more. It�ユ� constantly evolving and updated to provide you with the most complete Druid guide out there. We also have an active Druid forum that where you can ask any questions that our guide doesn�ユ� cover.
Our Druid Guide is an excellent resource for Druids.

The Overpull - "Micro-transactions WoW = ???"

The Overpull, our World of Warcraft newsletter, is here again this week filled with news, blues clues, and more. We've got talk about WoW turning to micro-transactions, the awesome Tirion leader of that tournament in front of Arthas's house, a WoW related comic, and all of this week's WoW news. Join us each week as we bring The Overpull online and in your inbox.

They capture the orc and strip Tirion of his paladin powers (not that u.i. mod no one would take pally power from Tirion he�ユ� go nuts trying to buff his own army), rank, and everything and told him to go be a hermit. Before he�ユ� ready to hermit it up he frees Eitrigg who meets up with Thrall who�ユ� like yo we cool shaman orcs not crazy warrior orcs and he�ユ� like aight I�ユ�l join up. Tirion loses his family, his home, and everything. So he goes to that shack in EPL and chills eating worm meat and looking at his horse.

Issue 40 of The Overpull is out and awaits you to read.