Group Calendar and Mystery Tank

I play regularly with a group of 10-15 people who are on and off at different times of the day and week, and recently another wave of 3-4 have hit level 70 after a long trek up on new toons after having either switched from Alliance to Horde, or having moved servers entirely to be with friends.

A bunch of these guys are friends IRL so it makes it all the more fun to play together, and we're all over 20 with half over 35 so we all are on very similar life stages, which makes it a nice, relaxed, friendly environment.

Friends Hitting 70, Scheduling Runs

With these recent set of players hitting level 70, we decided to try a dungeon run scheduling program to coordinate our needs and efforts. Our guild had something similar before BC came out and we had 250 toons and 175 accounts and had lots of action and commotion, but since we shrunk down to a social soloing guild for the most part, we haven't had the need.

But now, the need is presenting itself, so we tried out a couple of programs.

Started with GEM3, but it was too overwhelmingly detailed with too many screens, and setting up a shared line with another guild didn't function correctly from what I could tell.

So, we went with Group Calendar, which we had used years before but ditched because people with alts had a lot of %26#8220;disappearing events%26#8221; problems. We're hoping those have been largely rectified as most of us are altoholics.

Events Scheduled By Many

A few of us have created events of various sorts, and we've done one or two of the runs successfully and gotten more people set up with the addon and configured with our shared data channel. I scheduled the first Heroics event for today, for Heroic Steam Vaults on my Frost Mage, as I'm on the trek to get my Champion of the Naruu title before it's no longer attainable.

One of my Healer friends signed up right away, and another marked himself as unable to come due to work, just to let me know he was interested but couldn't go at that time.

Then, this morning I log in and there's a tank signed up for the run - yay!

But... Who's This?

But, I don't know the tank. His name is vaguely familiar and he's geared for Heroics according to Be Imba!, but he's not in our guild, and he's been largely guildless over the last 6 months from what I can see of his record on Warcraft Realms...

I wonder what alt he has where, and who he'll turn out to be? :)

Warrior tank, geared for Heroics, I'm happy to have you sign up for our runs, I hope it works out :)

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit WoWGrrl's World of Warcraft blog for more tips and tricks, videos and writings about World of Warcraft.

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How To Back Up Your Auctioneer Database To Another Machine

This entry was inspired by someone who bought and enjoyed my guide to Wealth on Warcraft, and who posted a question about how to deal with accessing WoW from their laptop on occasion when their desktop was not available.

One of my original posts about using Auctioneer but knowing it's up and downsides was back here.

I hope this helps! :)

Auctioneer Helps Players Gain Wealth

Auctioneer is an awesome addon which I use every day to post my plethora of auctions for my realmmates to buy in order to supply me with a steady flow of Wealth on Warcraft which I use for things like Epic Flying Mount training and gearing my lowbies, and everything in between.

But, if you have more than one computer you log into WoW from, you've discovered that your Auctioneer database from all the scans you did on one computer doesn't show up on your second one.

It's a real bummer whenever I go to visit my family and use their computer to login instead of my own... but there's a solution!

How To Transfer Auctioneer Data To Another Machine

WARNING! This requires you to fiddle around in your directory structure. If you're not comfortable with that, be sure to make a backup before making any changes, so it's easy to go back. Ultimately if something goes direly wrong, World of Warcraft itself has some ability to recover, but you may lose your saved addon information and have to re-build it. Be careful!

The process, however, is simple:

Exit out of World of Warcraft on both machines.

Go into your World of Warcraft directory on the machine you do the most Auctioneer scans with, and head into the WTF folder, then into %26#8220;Account%26#8221;.

In there, you should see directories that are named after the usernames that have been used to log into World of Warcraft from your machine. If only you use it and you only have one account, there'll only be one directory present. If others have logged in using your machine or you have more than one account, there will be more.

Go into the directory of the account you've logged into to do your Auctioneer scanning, and then go into the %26#8220;Saved Variables%26#8221; directory.

Copy the file %26#8220;Auc-ScanData.lua%26#8221; over onto your Laptop, into the same directory location as where you found it on your original machine.

Start up World of Warcraft on the second machine (or second account if you're just copying from one account to another on the same machine) and voila! You should have the same scanned data available to you there as well.

Synch Files Regularly

Of course, this update is a one-time update, so you'll need to do it on a semi-regular basis if you'd like to keep the two databased synchronized. Or, you can start to do more scans on the second machine, and keep it up to date that way.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any problems or further questions!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit WoWGrrl's World of Warcraft blog for more tips and tricks, videos and writings about World of Warcraft.

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How To Get Your Olympic Tabard, Olympic Pet

Well, the battlegrounds are extra special right now, while the Olympics are going on!

A reward for doing battlegrounds during the Olympics, it\'s got the Olympics symbol on it!Check it out - you can get a Tabard with the Olympics logo on it, and if you win a round, you can get a Gold Medallion which, when used, brings out a non-combat %26#8220;critter%26#8221; pet that is a dragon-like creature that is normally associated with China and Chinese cultured events.

How Do I Get My Tabard?

The tabard is super-easy to get. All you have to do is go into a battleground, and the tabard will be mailed to you as a %26#8220;competitor%26#8221;.

Nothing else! You don't even have to stay in the battleground or win a round!

How Do I Get My %26#8220;Spirit of Competition%26#8221; Pet?

Only available during the Olympics of Summer 2008!Getting the pet is a little more difficult - it requires that you be on a winning team, winning your round of battleground.

I got lucky and got my tabard and pet immediately - went into an AV round and then left for an Eye of the Storm round in the middle of AV, and we won the EOTS so I got the medal for that.

So, go out there on your plethora of toons and pick up the goodies!

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit WoWGrrl's World of Warcraft blog for more tips and tricks, videos and writings about World of Warcraft.

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How To Win Alterac Valley - Horde

Back in January I wrote an entry about getting into the Alterac Valley battlegrounds as a Horde player, and how much of a challenge winning has been seen to be by the vocal Horde population on the forums and in other discussion areas.

I mentioned Preform AV Enabler there as a way us Hordies could band together to make a more cohesive team that, hopefully, with the right leadership and followership, could actually win AV more often than lose.

Then, Patch 2.4 came out and us Hordies were pushed back in our starting point, further south on the map than we had been before, and coordinated play became even more important.

So, I recently made a video about AV, Preform AV Enabler, how to use it and how to find it, so more people could get in on the premades on their own realm.

Then, just a few days ago, Simply Tatang commented on that January AV entry and gave a link to their own blog where they had an entry about a specific strategy that can work for Hordies now that Patch 2.4 has pushed our starting point back!

I thought this was a great time to share both Simply Tatang's posted strategy, and my video about using the Premade AV Enabler addon. I believe the combination of the two should lead you to many victories, as long as your Premade has enough reputation to get rid of AFKavers and others who Honor farm without participating in the battleground.

If your reputation sucks on the realm, I can't help getting people to listen to you ;) But that's a whole %26#8216;nuther entry I won't delve into.

Watch more WoWGrrl's Videos

This article is %26copy; WebGrrl Enterprises - visit WoWGrrl's World of Warcraft blog for more tips and tricks, videos and writings about World of Warcraft.

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Why Guild Banks?
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World of Warcraft PTR Patch 2.3.0

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at
The latest patch notes can always be found at


Zul'Aman is a 10-player, level 70 outdoor instance located in the Ghostlands. Players will be able to confront six new bosses including the Forest Troll Warlord Zul'jin.

Guild Banks Introduced

The [...]No tag for this post.

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Mana Tombs in Terrokar Forest
As a Hunter going through Terrokar [...]No tag for this post.

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Inconsistent Rewards Keep You Coming Back
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Why every Mage, Warlock and Priest should be a Tailor?

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I now have three toons that are above level 60: Hunter, [...]No tag for this post.

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Farming for Mageweave
Mageweave is where things began to get a little tough in terms of farming things on my own with my 65 mage. Jintha'Alor in The Hinterlands is a great place to get a lot of mageweave, but the 48+ elites were way slower to mow down than the ~40's in Scarlet Monestary [...]No tag for this post.

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1) Determine what prices to auction something in the Auction House/Player Market according to the quality that Blizzard has assigned to that item.
Meaning, if a piece of armor was Blue in [...]No tag for this post.

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Farming Linen Cloth
As a Troll was my first [...]No tag for this post.

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In Outland, [...]No tag for this post.

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Patch 2.3 Introduces ?Guild Bank 1.0? for Guildmasters

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After reading for months on the Official Forums about the trek from 60 to 70 for someone who wishes to get Heroics keys %26#8220;in the most efficient way%26#8221;, I knew that the path [...]No tag for this post.

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Bobbing For Apples - A Fall-Time Tradition
Make sure you check out the Apple Bob bucket near an Innkeeper, where you can pick up a stack of [...]No tag for this post.

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When the Trick or Treat function is selected, something random happens to your player - either [...]No tag for this post.

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For a level 70 player, there is an opportunity to take on the Headless Horseman himself in a dungeon group that goes into Scarlet Monestary's Graveyard, with rewards I haven't had a chance to see much about yet. Expect to [...]No tag for this post.

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I got one of [...]No tag for this post.

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Personal Family Break

Hiya folks :)
I have returned!
Even though it didn't look like i was really %26#8220;away%26#8221;, for the last week I've been off of the Internet and spending time with family after my father's brother passed away suddenly last week. It was relieving to be able to drop everything and head home to be with Dad [...]No tag for this post.

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Rogue+Maybe Other Class GOLD MINE

Ok so I am kind of well geared. I am a human rogue and I鈥檓 speceed combat dags, which is a bad choice for this, I should be combat swords or something but anyways.

I also have imp sap. Go to the crypts instance in auchdoun and stealth to the very end of the second room.

Odds are there is a chest there that is locked or un locked, but w/e. it is guarded by 2 elites, 1 is imp sapable, the other is not but no worries if u imp sap the immune one nothing bad will happen. imp sap the non immune one, kill the other elite, who is level 65-66. Beware he spawns 2 adds usually that are random, so use COS and blade fury if u got it. that with adren rush and evasion is kickin.... so kill the first mob, and depending on your heath afterwards... it varies from almost dead to more than 75%.... either vanish or kill the other mob, he also spawns 1-2 mobs.

Loot chest and you鈥檙e done. Also as a bonus, there is usually an anchient lichen/ adaman mine right there as well. I鈥檝e gotten 2 BOE blues, 1 living ruby and some other gems/green d/e fodder. 7g per chest in gold as well.

Enjoy and GG BLIZZ. I鈥檝e also seen a 70 priest do this, holy spec using mind sooth to make it to the end of the room, and into a corner. Then mind control one mob, use it to kill the other and be burned down itself. Then dps it the rest of the way. Should be easy.

Tags: farming, Gold, rogue

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Easy Gold With Flask Of Distilled Wisdom Recipe

When you're exalted w/ Cenarion Expedition, you can buy the Flask of Distilled Wisdom Recipe from Fedryen Swiftspear in Zangarmarsh.

This costs only a few gold (4) and is NOT BOP!

However, it does require you to be CE Exalted to learn it - but most people don't understand that.

So you can buy a few of these for a few gold and resell them for up to 100g depending on your server.

I've made about 400g so far, only putting one up at a time using an alt so it's not flooded.

GL and enjoy before it gets nerfed!No tag for this post.

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Buying Gold: How I Lost My WoW Account

Until last week, I was one of the top-ranked warriors on my World of Warcraft server’s PVP ranking list. After dozens of end-game dungeon runs with my guild, I had finally amassed nearly all of my class armor and was proud of my gear. I spent countless hours spent raiding and perfecting my PVP skills, and there were few other players who dared challenge me in the arena. As my guild’s main tank and PVP officer, I organized all of our raids and trained up-and-coming players on key offensive and defensive techniques. All of that changed last week, however, when Blizzard permanently closed my WoW account.

It all started a few weeks ago when I decided to buy some cheap WoW gold from a popular gold selling site on the internet. As the guild’s main tank, my gear took a quite a pounding and I was constantly in need of gold to repair my broken armor and weapons. I was tired of grinding for hours each week, just to earn enough money to barely cover my expensive repair costs. When I saw an advertisement for “Cheap WoW Gold”, I figured it couldn’t hurt to check it out. The website promised to deliver virtual WoW gold directly to my warrior’s in-game mailbox for a reasonable price, in real American dollars, of course. Considering how much I enjoyed the game and all the time I spend playing, I figured that buying cheap WoW gold was a good investment for my character. Buying gold meant that I wouldn’t have to farm for repair money anymore. I could spend more time raiding and helping my fellow guild-mates level up their characters. It seemed like a great idea at the time.

A week after my gold purchase, though, I received an email was from Blizzard, the makers of WoW. The email stated that my World of Warcraft account had been under investigation for possible fraud and that it was being permanently closed due to “exploitation of the WoW economy”. I was shocked! Just a single purchase of online gold had flagged my account and resulted in its complete shutdown. I contacted Blizzard to try and get my account reopened, but they stood firm on their stance that buying gold is a violation of the game’s Terms of Use. My actions were at direct odds with the “essence” of WoW, and there would be no undoing of the resulting consequences.

In a matter of moments, I had lost everything I had worked so hard for in-game. It didn’t matter that I was a top ranked player, a fully-geared level 70 warrior with a flying mount, my guild’s main tank, or a guild officer. Blizzard had wiped out my account as if it had never existed. The whole idea made me sick to my stomach and I immediately regretted taking the easy way out by buying gold. Still worse, though, was the news that my account closure destroyed the guild I had worked so hard to help build. My account closure left an opening for the position of main tank, causing a major battle to erupt amongst the remaining end-game warriors over who was the most qualified to take my place. This fierce infighting caused the guild to fracture and, as a result, many long-standing guild members left to join other groups. Just five days after my account was terminated, the guild officially disbanded.

If I had known a few weeks ago what I now know, I would have never bought WoW gold. Any small temporary benefit it provided me was not worth the ultimate price I paid for my indiscretion – the complete and permanent closure of my WoW account. I learned the hard way that the easy way out is often the most risky, so think twice before purchasing cheap WoW gold for your character. Are a few extra virtual coins really worth the risk of losing everything?

Tags: Gold, News

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Warlock Insane Farming

There's several good aoe spots in the outlands(you can't have mine lol):p It basically takes a team of 2. It could be done if you are an sl lock but just not worth the time. I've powerleveled and farmed with basically every class with this ONE warlock spell. Just have your buddy round up a bunch of mobs and hold them in place while u toss out 5-6 seeds out. I use shadowfury to set it off but if u got a mage that will do just as well. Pallies can easily round up and hold these mobs till you get the seeds off. Even my 66 shaman buddy can do it. Frost mages are real good to ice block then nova and blink out after rounding up the mobs. Warriors work fine too as long as you aren't pullng casters.

Just try it for yourself if you are a lock. First time i tested it i pulled all of andorhol around araj with my blueberry and blew up the whole place in seconds. It's pretty ridiculous. It's bound to get nerfed soon its just not right lol so have fun with it once you get it. I'll give yall the spots once i get exalted with my factions :p

Perfect spot is the manaforge b'naar to the west of area 52 in netherstorm. Full frost mage with points in improved blizzard is by far the best combo ive farmed with. We were pulling roughly 3k rep per hr combined together. Just get the spawn rotation down and pull packs of around 10 geologists. He pulls novas blinks and runs blizzard on them. Start seeding right after the nova. On bigger pulls have him ice block till they all round up on him then nova and blink out.

Here is a good video of what we did.

We had a second mage here pull some more mobs in but the damage from seed seems to split when there are too many mobs. Don't remember but was around 20-25 total in that pull. It's pretty nasty.

Tags: Gold

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Dire Maul West Solo Farming

The spot you are going to be farming at is the ramp leading down to tendris warpwood(the big tree guy). There is a ledge on each side of this ramp. The mobs you want to target are the groups of trees and the round blue caster things. You can do the larger patrolling trees but they do punt you back so if u screw up youll get punted to the bottom and die. Simply pull a group back to the ramp then hop on either ledge on the side of the ramp near the top. They will run all the way down to the bottom then back up the ledge. If you hop to the middle they will go back to the bottom again then come after you. Then when they start getting near hop to the other ledge. During this time just start casting the second you hop on or off a ledge. Just keep repeating this till the group is dead. One thing to note though is that the tree groups have a healer called a guardian i believe who is colored purple. Do not attack him first. If you attack the regular ones a bit the healer will then begin to heal him but stays locked on him. After the first heal u can then down the healer then down everything else. It takes a bit to get used to but once u have it down its cake. Just gotta have patience with the pulls in between the patrols. Each mob drops good silver and u get greens and grey weapons a lot but the big money is with the librams.of focus that drop in here. Clearing that whole room gives you a decent chance of getting one and it only takes about 30-45 mins to clear the place. These things sell for 3-400g and they go quick.

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Deadwind Pass Farming

Here's a nice circuit for farming vendor trash of the birds in Deadwind Pass. They drop 4-6 pieces of trash per kill, and some of those stacks of 5 sell for up to 60 silver. I made about 2.5g in 5-10 minutes of lolligagging around trying to find the circuit. You could easily makes tons off this.

Here's the map:

Deadwind Pass is located just east of Duskwood. You can vendor your loot at the Innkeeper.

Hope ya guys make some cash off of this! :)

For people who have no idea what to do, ya follow the yellow line ;)

Tags: Deadwind Pass, farming, Gold, Guides

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Farm stratholme with 2 mages

This is doable at level 60 with 3 talent points in to improved blizzard apiece.

it works as follows:

mage 1 runs around using fire blast, arcane explosion and blink to annoy as many mobs as possible without getting killed. once critical mass is achieved and the mobs are reasonably close together, hit frost nova.

mage 2 drops flamestrike followed by imp blizzard. this is a surefire way of getting the attention of the mobs off mage 1. imp blizzard slows the mob pack to a crawl.

mage 1 at this point moves behind mage 2 and prepares to drop his blizzard at the nearside edge of mage 2's blizzard. as soon as the first mob moves out of the area of mage 2's blizzard, mage 1 starts channeling.

mage 2 moves behind mage 1 and repeats step 3 until everything is dead.

basically it's a safer method of aoe farming than running in and spamming arcane explosion. AE is a more effective method of dealing damage but it's a little too close for comfort.

Tags: farm, Gold, Guides, stratholme

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Bloodvine farming

My hunter collecting Bloodvine and voodoo dolls from Zul'gurub(easily doable naked).

I collect a total of 7 voodoo piles and how ever many herbs i find. This particular run i got 5 different voodoo dolls(10-15g) and 3 bloodvine(20-25g).

My record to this day is 6 bloodvine from one run :). Of course the prices depend on the server, my server is rather low i'd say, and they sell pretty fast.

It is Possible to solo this, if you have a AFK Friend or something to keep you in raid, like this!

Summon pet, use Eyes of the beast, ( pet NEED Dash/dive ) go towards the Enemys, Dash with pet!

Run Quickly Away, pulling all mobs from the "Herb" you want, and then, You can Easily Pick the Herb without much problem, The longer you come into the instance, the harder, i've Even Solod the Vodoo thingy ( the one BEFORE Raptor boss (The room before him) So its not that hard)

You get into combat, so you need to run away to a safe spot and Feign Death when you get it. Failed? then Ress pet, And try again, And keep doing this until you get it. Watch out for : Bats, They are fast, Berserkers, They are even faster. thats all for today!

If you arent saved to the instance you can simply zone out leave party and get invited by someone else, if your saved, zone out wait 15 min and zone back in. The instance is reset if you see the Orange text once you enter.

Tags: bloodvine, farming, Gold

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Runecloth Farming - Instant respawn

Runecloth can be a !@#$%^%26amp;* to get when there are other people taking your mobs. one of the most farmed areas of WoW is Kel'Theril in Winterspring. the suffering highbornes are renowned for their runecloth drops %26amp; assorted rare drops.

there's an exploit i found that will allow you to basically get 2 of these mobs to spawn whenever you want. there is a catch, there's always a catch. first you need to have the quest Troubled Spirits of Kel'Theril.

here's the quest information, where to get it, etc.

now, DON'T COMPLETE THE QUEST. follow my instructions. when you are at the Highborne Relic Fragment, mine it like normal but don't take the item that pops up!! instead, close the item window and wait. sure enough there will be 2 suffering highbornes that pop next to the fragment thing. you can do this over %26amp; over, just make sure you don't pick up the item.

Tags: farming, Gold, Runecloth

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Devilsaur Farming

First of all tune your hearth stone into an area that has a horde/alliance auction house. Then fly to Gadgetzan, Tanaris then fly to Cenarion Hold. Then walk to the back of Un'Goro Crater.

There you can do two things, either farm for Rugged Leather off all the beasts there.

Or my favorite the Devilsaur-with the Devilsaur you can sell here skin in stacks of 10 and make a large sum of money.

Usually I can sell a stack of 10 for about 30-40g and it takes me an hour to an hour and a half.

There is 6 Devilsaur spawn points, you must look at there patrol paths.

Once you have done this a few times you remeber where they spawn and usually after you kill all four of them another one spawns and the cycle just keeps going.

Personally I solo these guys with my 60 Hunter considering they are lvl 52-56 elites.

You must be a skinner, and you must do enough dps fast enough not to die, or have enough armor so you deal dps slower yet stay alive.

In less than a week I have made over 1500g. So I hope this helps, and if it does could you please reply back if you need any additional info or if you are stumped on something!

Tags: Devilsaur, farming, Gold

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Complete Guide To Blackwing Lair

Blackwing Lair is one of hardest dungeons in WoW, featuring some of the most extreme and strategic fights in the entire game. It should only be attempted by guilds that have already clocked Molten Core.

Jan 18th 2006



We split the raid into 4 teams. Each team occupies one corner. Usually

team A is groups 1 and 2 who go west

team B is groups 3 and 4 who go north

team C is groups 5 and 6 who go east

team D is groups 7 and 8 who go south

Each team gets

1 Hunter

1-2 Warriors

2 Priests/Druids

1 Paladin

1 Warlock

1-2 Rogues

1-2 Mages

A spokesperson for each team on TS announces spawns in the corners.



A mage or rogue in each team is appointed Main Assist, Mages, Hunters and Rogues in the team will help kill his target. His target are all Orc Mages in the corner. They have to die ASAP until eventually only Legionaires and Dragonkin remain)


The warrior(s) in each corner sunder (build aggro on) each dragonkin and legionaire in their corner and kite it between the two platforms (running up the stairs and jumping down in the middle front exploits the no-jump pathing of the mos and gets distance between warrior and his heat. Piercing Howl helps too. Eventually all 55 mobs will be following the warriors and if all goes fine, they wont even take damage.


The healers in each team keep their warriors always shielded and HoT'ed. Optimal position for them to be is the front corner of the platform on their side. From there they always have a LoS to all team members and especially the warriors roaming their corner currently (usually its 2 tanks you have to keep track of, yours and the one of the team accross the room who follows the same path as your warrior). Also if they get hit, they can easily get some distance by jumping down the edge and running. Priest should use the CTRA aggro-gain announcer to be able to cast fade before the mob hits them.


Paladins are the orb controllers. They place themselves below the orb right from the start and destroy eggs as fast as possible. They should not take damage during the egg phase at all. Once all eggs are down, the primary orb user will have a lot of aggro from Razorgore and he will come straight after him. We use that to position razor immediately in a good spot and to bring him to the MT tag-team.


The MT tag team builds aggro on razorgore. Every now and them Razor casts a frontal AoE conflag that temporarily wipes all aggro on the current tank, swithing it to the offtank. Position of the 2 tanks is 90掳 (not 180掳).

All DPS stands behind Razorgore to avoid the conflag.

The 2 teams with the highest Mana after the Egg phase begins healing the MT while the other 2 regen. In case mana is too drained to form teams quickly, all healing shall be focused on the MTs while DPS heals itself with bandages. Note that razorgore teleports players that are out of his AoE range for a while.

Vaelastraz the Corrupt

General Info

Vaelastraz the corrup is the 2nd boss in Blackwing Lair right after Razorgore the Untamed. Before the fight, Vaelastraz is sound asleep and everyone can roam freely in the room. The fight is started by talking to him. After a brief cut-scene the fight begins. Vaelastraz will now stay awake for exactly 60 minutes before he dies and despawns for 12 hours. While he is awake it is no longer possible to roam freely. Vael will attack anyone within 20 yds of his "middle". Since he's huge and ranged cant be made out accurately, as a general rule the raid should stay outside the inner "courtyard marked by the columns.


Everyone in the room will receive this buff when the fight starts:

Essence of Rend

Restores 500 mana per second.

Restores 50 energy per second.

Generates 20 rage per second.

3 minutes remaining

Random ranged members of the raid as well as Vael's main target will get:

Burning Adrenaline

Damage done increased by 100%.

Attack speed increased by 100%.

Reduces max. health by 5% every second. --%26gt; down to 18% after 20 sec.

Deals 4375 to 5625 damge to nearby allies upon death.

20 seconds remaining.

Fire breath:

AoE fire that hits everyone in an approximately 90掳 arc in front of him for ??-?? fire damage.


AoE physical that hits everyone in front of him for 1500-3000 physical damage.


AoE knockback that hits for 500-700 physical damage. Hits everyone in an 90掳 arc to the back of Vael.


Damage aura that hits everyone for 300-700 fire damage per tick.

Burning Adrenaline

BA is lethal. We use a mod to announce the burning one of his buff/debuff, so he can action accordingly --%26gt; run away from your allies (min 30yd) and resume DPS (which is largely increased). DPS only for ranged classes of course. If the MT has BA he turns Vael slightly to the right in order to make room for MT2, then dies in that spot. More on that later.

Frontal damage/MTs

We need to work something out to prevent Vael's fre breath from killing the dps (just like onyxia)... now if they MT could be kept alive this would be no problem. However we have to feed up to 6 tanks to Vael before he dies.

The whole idea here is to make it impossible for vael to face the DPS by placing the 6 most hated chars (warriors) into strategic positions that direct his flame breath away from the DPS if a Tank dies and another one has to take over

Vael has 3 limited AoE and 1 Aura type damage abilities. The damage zones are shown in the picture above. Note that he has a blind angle just over his rear legs.

Pulling Vael is done by one warrior that runs through him from the wall opposite the throne. By that he turns him and makes sure he doesnt move. 5 seconds afer initial aggro the offtanks move in and fight for aggro. 10 seconds after initial aggro all dps begins.

Positions during the battle are as shown above with raid entirely in the blind angle. All tanks are on one side. When Vael is at 20% Warriors activate Recklessness and Execute for maximum damage. At 10% all Rogues and Hunters stop DPS for 10 seconds. Rogues use feint and vanish whenever available. If it is resisted they stop all backstabs until they can cast a successful feint again. Hunters have to be carefull with dps after a good aimed shot crit. Feign death whenever available is mandatory.

If a ranged char gets BA, he will immediately run away from his allies to one of the green zones (around the columns). Once he arrives there and is still alive he resumes DPS which is greatly increased. If possible he stays clear of Vaels Flame breath and within 40yd of a priest, but never at the expense of safety for the raid.

When the current Main Tank gets burning adrenaline he stays in position. The offtanks get ready to get aggro and immediately turn vael back to the tank positions. During the transition vael must not move. So it is important for tanks to always stay within melee range of vael. Occationally on the transition healers might get a tailwipe and a short gap in the MT healing occurs. To bridge that we have 2 priests flashhealing the MT.

Note: An observation in regard to Vaels flame breath was, that he only does it when his target is stationary. So should you ever see yourself targetted by Vael, start to strafe right away in order to turn Vael away from your allies.


Everyone takes damage, so the best solution is Prayer of Healing, which means 8 priests, one fore each group. If less than 8 are available, use druids with chaining renew+regrowth on all of their partymembers. But the easiers setup is 8 priests.

Then setup 2 druids or 2 more priests + 1 Paladin to chain heals exclusively on the current Tank so that at all time he has 1x PoH, 1x HL and 2x HT incoming on him. All priests who PoH, will also occationaly send a Flash Heal to the MT.


5 Warriors will be dedicated tanks and buffed as usual. The surplus tanks will get BoS and join rogues for DPS. All other DPS will get BoS too as well as all healers. Rogues do not get Blessing of Might (to limit their DPS and crits so tanks can keep up) --%26gt; Essence of rend buffs damage, but not taunt/sunder armor.


(the illustration is not accruate about the size of firemaws hitbox (its actually bigger) and thus the offtank position. I will add a screenshot to make it clearer soon.)

Wing Buffet

Frontal AoE, reduces Aggro every 30 seconds (announced by CTRA)

Shadow Flame

Frontal AoE for 4000-5000 dmg (ignors all armor and resistances). Causes a strong DoT without Onyxia Scale Cloak.

Flame Buffet

Strong DoT Aura with LoS check plus non-dispellable debuff that increases fire damage taken


Positioning is critical and the fights is a wipe if the correct position of firemaw cannot be established very quick. Also everyone in raid has to understand how the line of sight works here. Understanding the illustration 100% is required for all players. Understanding the principle even more since it will be applied to all followup dragons in BWL.

Melee attacks until the flame buffet debuff stacks too high and they need healing. When that happens they move to the melee-safe-position and bandage up.

Ranged dps stays on the Line of sight to firemaw and cross it to the safezone when the debuff stacks too high... bandage

Healers position themselves so they only have LoS (Line of Sight) to the tank but not Firemaw. Avoiding the debuff (Flame buffet) on healers is critical.

Group 1 setup is MT1 + MT2 + MT3 + Warlock + Paladin. Group 2, 3 and 4 are heal teams A and B with pala + druid + 2x priest if possible. Healing only on Tanks, the fight is long, rotation is needed and DPS has to bandage.

Tanking Variant I

(Works for all 3 Dragons the same)

The dragons are tauntable. This opens up a beautiful way to keep him positioned and avoid all aggro-loss on the MT during Wing Buffet: 3 Seconds before the Wing Buffet, an offtank will taunt the Dragon while standing 90掳 off the Main Tank.

This forces the Wing Buffet on the Offtank who looses aggro back to the Main Tank once the effect of the taunt fades (3 sec). In other words: the offtank attempts to catch the bullet. It is important that the offtank's taunt is cast no longer than 3 seconds before the Wing Buffet. If 2 Offtanks are available they coordinate to cast the taunt staggered (Second taunt is cast about 2 seconds after the first) to cover any inaccuracies of the running timers.

Whoever is in the Wing Buffet's AoE gets knocked back 30-40 yards and has to run back immediately. Usually to the safe-position.

Required setup is three tanks, one main and two offtank. Both need to be warriors. They position themselves as indicated in the image above at a 90掳 angle. The offtanks stand in their safe-position most of the time to avoid the debuff. Once the Wing Buffet timer is running out, they move into their Taunt Position close enough to the Dragon to make sure that if aggro switches to the taunting tank, the dragon will not move, just turn to him (this is critical).

Tanking Variant II

This is an alternate pattern for Firemaw.

The Main Tank stands in the far left corner of the closed gate that leads to the lower trap-room and one offtank stands at the opposite side of the gate. Both are standing with their backs to the corner so a Wing Buffet wont knock them out of position.

The Offtank will build aggro together with the Main Tank and make sure he is at all time second on the Dragons hate-list. That way, whenever a Wing Buffet hits the Main Tank, the Offtank is there to briefly tank Firemaw until the Main Tank can taunt him back.

This is made possible because DPS is very slow in this fight and Healing of the Main Tank spread over many individual healers.

To make this work, a group of 2 priests has to be positioned accross the tank positions behind firemaw. There is a column to provide a LoS safezone for them. They just pop out of their safespot when the Wing Buffet timer is running out to burst heal the Offtank until the Main Tank has regained aggro.

For additional safety, a second Offtank can be added. They both build aggro and after each 2nd Wing Buffet one of them goes to the safespot to let the debuff wear out.

Broodlord Lashlayer

Lashlayers aggro range is rather large (40yds) so he has to be "pulled" from the 2nd to last alcove on the right. This is done when all Hatchers are dead and no taskmasters are around.

Upon pull the raid moves to the gate and the tanks get BL locked down in the alcove right of the gate.

While the tanks get a stable setup going in the corner (offtanks 90掳 off the MT), raid kills the last whelps that got aggroed during the pull.

DPS starts after around 30 seconds and stays very slow throughout the fight.


One tank moves to the gate and pulls BL to the corner in the last alcove. The other 2 move to BL's right side and do their share of taunting. Around every 30 sec, BL will use an ability that reduces aggro on all characters in front of him. This should be only one tank. So when this happens, one of the 2 tanks on his side gets aggro. He then turns BL back towards the corner while the previous MT joins for regaining aggro at the side.

(Thanks to Bastila for some valuable pointers here)


Since BL wipes large parts of his aggro every now and then (knockback), DPS cant go all out. At least not ranged DPS. BoS is a great help, so is feint, FD, fade etc. Overall DPS should be slow and steady... meaning no big crits etc.

Healers have to be extra carefull, so DPS-classes should get to a safespot and bandage whenever needed. A healing rotation involving all available healers also greatly helps to balance the threat generated by healing over as many players as possible and keep it low on individuals. Melee DPS can dodge all damage by only attacking for 10 seconds after a knockback.

A paladin should stay out of combat and rez people, which is also a nice aggro wipe that might be required by healers.


At random intervals (20-30sec), BL does a mortal strike that ignores armor and hits the current aggro holder for 5000+ damage. Nothing can be done about that. So the player needs to be rezzed or healed. Note also that mortal strike adds a debuff that reduces all healing effects by 50% for 4 seconds. Shield your tank first thing after a MS.


Wing Buffet

Frontal AoE, reduces Aggro every 30 seconds

Shadow Flame

Frontal AoE for 4000-5000 dmg (ignors all armor and resistances). Causes a strong DoT without Onyxia Scale Cloak.

Shadow of Ebonroc

Non-dispellable short-duration curse on the current aggro holder that heals Ebonroc if he can do damage to him. Each hit on a cursed player heals him for 25k HP its not a wiper if the healing rotation is good, so its just a matter of getting in the groove with the taunting.


Group 1 setup is MT1 + MT2 + MT3 + Warlock + Paladin. Group 2 and 3 are heal teams A and B with 2x druid + 2-3x priest + 0-1x Paladin if possible. Healing only on Tanks, the fight is long, rotation is needed and DPS has to bandage.

Tank 2 and 3 get in position in the alcove as show above. A hunter pet pulls Ebonroc to them. Tank 2 gets aggro and both tanks build aggro for one minute (not caring about the curse).

After one minute aggro building, Tank 1 gets in position 90掳 off Tank 1 and 2 on the other side of Ebonroc. DPS starts when Tank 1 is in position.

When Ebonroc casts his curse on Tank 2 or 3, Tank 1 taunts Ebonroc immediately to avoid damage on the cursed tank. Just after that, the aggro-tank that doesnt have the curse taunts and tanks Ebonroc to let the curse wear off.

As a safeguard the offcenter positions can be augmented by an additional tank each.

Wing Buffet

(Works for all 3 Dragons the same)

We ignore the wing buffet in this fight, since its a taunt frenzy anyway.


(the illustration is not accruate about the size of ebonrocs hitbox (its actually bigger) and thus the offtank position. I will add a screenshot to make it clearer soon.)

Summary: Same as Firemaw, with frenzy that can be dispelled with tranq-shot.

Wing Buffet

Frontal AoE, reduces Aggro every 30 seconds

Shadow Flame

Frontal AoE for 4000-5000 dmg (ignors all armor and resistances). Causes a strong DoT without Onyxia Scale Cloak.


Strong 360掳 AoE with LoS check. Can be dispelled with a Tranquillizing Shot from a Hunter.


Positioning is critical and the fights is a wipe if the correct position of firemaw cannot be established very quick. Also everyone in raid has to understand how the line of sight works here. Understanding the illustration 100% is required for all players.

Melee attacks until their health drops too much (50%). When that happens they move to the melee-safe-position and bandage up.

Ranged dps stays on the Line of sight to firemaw and cross it to the safezone when they get low on health to bandage

Healers position themselves so they only have LoS (Line of Sight) to the tank but not Flamegor. Avoiding the AoE on healers is critical.

When the frenzy is announced, a hunter quickly step into LoS and uses his TQ shot.

Group 1 setup is MT1 + MT2 + Warlock + Paladin + Whoever. Group 2 and 3 are heal teams A and B with pala + 2x druid + 2x priest if possible. Healing only on Tanks, the fight is long, rotation is needed and DPS has to bandage in a safespot.


(Works for all 3 Dragons the same)

The dragons are tauntable. This opens up a beautiful way to keep him positioned and avoid all aggro-loss on the MT during Wing Buffet: 3 Seconds before the Wing Buffet, an offtank will taunt the Dragon while standing 90掳 off the Main Tank.

This forces the Wing Buffet on the Offtank who looses aggro back to the Main Tank once the effect of the taunt fades (3 sec). In other words: the offtank attempts to catch the bullet. It is important that the offtank's taunt is cast no longer than 3 seconds before the Wing Buffet. If 2 Offtanks are available they coordinate to cast the taunt staggered (Second taunt is cast about 2 seconds after the first) to cover any inaccuracies of the running timers.

Whoever is in the Wing Buffet's AoE gets knocked back 30-40 yards and has to run back immediately. Usually to the safe-position.

Required setup is two tanks, one main and one offtank. Both need to be warriors. They position themselves as indicated in the image above at a 90掳 angle. The offtank hast to make sure he stands close enough to the Dragon to make sure that if aggro switches to him, the dragon will not move, just turn to him (this is critical).

To make this work, two healers (freferably druid+priest) have to be positioned accross the tank positions behind firemaw. There is a column to provide a LoS safezone for them. They just pop out of their safespot when the Wing Buffet timer is running out to burst heal the Offtank until the Main Tank has regained aggro. Note it is possible to stay in sight of the offtank while being hidden from the dragon in the same way the MT healers are. The sweet spot here is very small though but its there.


(Note there are many places in BWL where chromaggus can be successfully fought. The round ramp, the staircase between supression rooms, in the gate to the octagonal room he originally stands are all viable spots. The setup follows always the same principle in is probably most easily understood in this spot)

Chromaggus is different for each instance ID. His abilities are however derived from a fixed pool. He chooses 2 afflictions (debuffs) and 2 aspects (breaths) that remain unchanged until the instance resets.


(Unlimited Range, unaffected by LoS)

Brood Affliction: Black (Curse) --%26gt; ??

Brood Affliction: Red (Disease) --%26gt; ??

Brood Affliction: Bronze (Hourglass) --%26gt; 4 second stun at random intervals for 10 minutes

Brood Affliction: Blue (Magic) --%26gt; Movement Slowed

Brood Affliction: Green (Poison) --%26gt; DoT


(360掳 AoE, affected by LoS)

Black - Ignite Flesh - Strong DoT

Red - Incinerate - 3675-4275 fire dmg

Bronze - Time Lapse - Frozen in time! Health reduced by 50%, and Wipes any threat generated.

Blue - Frost burn - Attack speed reduced by 80%. Approx. 1400 dmg

Green - Corrosive Acid - 875 to 1125 dmg every 3 sec. Armour reduced by 3938 to 5062

Tactic remains the same for all combinations. EXCEPTION: Time Lapse


Chromaggus can be tanked by a single tank (phew!).


Positioning is done as shown in the illustration, all DPS groups get a paladin for healing but are expected to bandage. Its important that the DPS-safes are all covered with dispelling for magic/curse/disease/poison. Healers in theory dont need an extra cleanser since they can handle all by themselves (druid for curse and poison, priests for disease and magic) but nevertheless a paladin at at the healer spot is a good thing. Bronze cant be dispelled.


At all times, chroma is vulnerable to a certain school of magic. He constantly changes it so we have to check for it over every now and then. Aside from exploiting the vulnerability, its also important not to overnuke so the MT can keep aggro.

Time Lapse

This requires an offtank to build aggro on Chroma. When the breath is announced, the offtank runs to his safe. After the MT gets "stunned", the offtank gets aggro and immediately runs chroma back to the tank spot where he hands over aggro to the MT again. The offtank will get a personal healer (paladin) that keeps him at full health to survive the 6 seconds time lapse. The paladin shall not build any more aggro than absolutely neccessary so Chromaggus will always go after the offtank.

Since the offtank cannot outaggro the MT healers and DPS, everyone in raid but the offtank and his paladin have to become affected by time lapse. This means: Hide for the damaging breath as usual, but stay in(get into) sight of Chromaggus for the Time Lapse breath.


(Sorry, this got a bit complicated. The "Safe" areas only refer to the Bellowing Roar. The Shadowflame angle is approximate.)

P H A S E - I

After talking to Nefarian, Drakonids spawn from two entrances in the room. For each instance id two brood afflictions are randomly chosen for them. Each entrance spawns one type. The Drakonids will continue to spawn until 42 of them have been killed. Then Nefarian lands --%26gt; Phase II.

Nefarius himself runs around the room during this phase, casts shadowbolts and sheeps players.

P H A S E - I I

Nefarian (bid dragon) lands.

Nefarian Shouts

Nefarian tries to **** each class to maximum effect, this is what will happen:

Priests - Must not heal, otherwise the target will get a stacking debuff with each heal that lands (lasts 20-30 seconds)

Druids - Stuck in catform

Rogues - Will be ported to Nefarian and cannot move

Mages - Random polymorph of other raidmembers into giraffs/cows/etc. (Ice block can counter this, also LoS)

Warrior - Stuck in Berserker Stance

Warlocks - Spawning infernals

Hunters - Ranged weapon in use will break (unequip before each class call)

Paladins - Nefarian becomes immune to melee damage

Shaman - Hostile totems

Apparently these happen one at a time... remotely similar to Bloodlord Mandokir's "I'm watching you"

Bellowing Roar

Simple AoE fear. Can be countered by Fear Ward and Berserker Rage. LoS check.

Tail Whip

Stuns briefly. (damage? duration?)


Frontal physical AoE (not yet exactly sure about its AoE angle, seems to be somewhere between 90 and 120掳)

-75% healing curse

Dispellable -75% healing curse on the current aggro-holder. Has to be dispelled

P H A S E - I I I

At 20% Nefarian resurrects the previously killed drakonids as undead.

--- Our current tactic -------------------------------------------------


We split raid into two independent teams. They are camping one spawn point each. Rogues and Warriors of each team stand right in the gate to the cave where the Drakonids spawn. Via /assist they focus all damage on one after another and kill them as fast as they spawn. The warriors in the teams will mainly use cleave/retaliation/sweeping strike/whirlwind whenever available to get as much aggro on them as possible. Mages/Warlocks keep the are under constandt blizzard/fire rain. No more than 4 drakonids should be alive at one time. Those who get shadowbolted by Nefarian during this phase have to be healed quickly. Usually Nefarius pesters the team at the spawn point near the room entrance.

(we usually have 3 warriors on each side)

(in case of red drakonids warlock AoE has no effect on them, so we have mages in one team, warlocks in the other)


3 Priests and 3 Druids together with MT1 (fearwarded) go grab Nefarian and position him correctly while the rest of the raid kills the remaining Drakonids (spawns stop when Nefarian lands)

From here on its a straight forward fight. Every now and then a AoE fear and a class shout.

Warlock: as soon as the infernals spawn they have to be killed ASAP to prevent them from going rogue on casters.

Priests: the moment the shout goes off, all priests have to immediately cancel their channeled heal, sit there and do nothing until the debuff wears out. If a heal lands, the targetted player gets a stacking DoT DoT each time a heal lands. Renew and shield can still be cast.

Druid: the druid shout doest do anything bad to druids, they are just stuck in cat. However this naturally takes away a lot of healing.

At all times, especially just before a fear, the MT should have a full set of HoTs on him to bridge the heal-less time.

Last but not least the rogue shout: This one just ports the rogues in front of Nefarian in a stun lock. If they get hit by Nefarian's Shadowflame or a couple of cleaves they die. To counter this, Nefarian is always positioned at an angle (see illustration) and in case of a rogue call immediately turned to the alternate position.

Last but not least nefarian casts a -70% healing curse on the MT. Has to be dispelled immediately (druids job).

Mages: Since the mage class call can mess up the tanking and healing quite severely if not dispelled asap, we keep mages in a position without LoS to the MT and Healers (see illustration)


The Drakonids we killed before rise back to life in the exact spot they were killed before. At 22% all mages and warlocks get in position near the spawn points to kill off the bone constructs immediately with AoE. A hunter sets up a frost trap in the middle of the bone pile on each side to slow the initial movement of the spawns.

Mages keep the spawns in nova-lock (using a limited invulnerability potions to get away). Ideally the mobs are all locked down until they are dead. As soon as the first mobs are immobilized Fire Rains and Blizzards are used to kill.

Once the main packs are dead, the spawns that managed to escape are killed and the fight resusmes as normal for the last 20%

--- MODS -------------------------------------------------

The following mods simplify the fight quite a bit:

1) is an addcounter. This add counts deaths of teh drakonids. it uses the CTRA channel to sync with the othe rplayers to provide accurate figures. One player per group should have this mod installed and set tinto reporting mode by typing: "/nef report".

2) is an improved announcer for all special abilities. This one has to be on the MT. iT is turned on by typing "/nefarian on". Most notable "improvement" is the class call warning a few seconds before it actually goes off... this gives everyone (especially hunters) time to prepare for a call.

Tags: Blackwing Lair, Instances, raid, Tail

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Linen Cloth Farming

In Northweatern Westfall, running along the cliff, there is a lone windmill with a tiny shack at its base. It is surrounded by 6-7 Defias mobs, levels 12-13.

Whats the catch?

They respawn immediately. Get the drift?


I would suggest 24+, however I was 33 when I discovered it, and it is still extremely useful when you reach 60.


1) Grinding/Maxing new weapon proficiencies...

2) Leveling a toon (lvl 5-16)...and getting him rich, as well.

3) Farming Linen. (For you linen clowns, I easily loot 100 linen in about 5 minutes).

4) Farming these nice little nets that occasionally drop.

There are a lot of these little sweet spots in this game. Hell, how do you think all of these beta-buggers get rich so quickly?

Tags: farming, Gold, Leveling

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Easy Way To Get Hard To Tame Animals.

Figured this out last night. I'm a mage and my hunter friend was trying to get a pet from the temple. He couldn't get it cause it kept interrupting him.

Using polymorph though he was able to easliy tame the creature without danger of being interrupted. Just have the mage poly the creature and go to town making your cute little hearts and getting your pet.

Also if you're having problems and dont have the assistance of a mage, pull the creature into a freezing trap to buy yourself a little more time.

Tags: animal, pet

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Guide to Zul’Gurub

High-Priestress Jeklik:

Must do's:

Keep spellcasters away from her counterspell in bat form

Decurse her curse when she is in caster form


MT pulls her in wide open area and ranged groups together. Melee goes smashing boss. She will spawn bats, a second warrior will try to get them away from boss and ranged aoe's them to death. If dps is good only 2 spawns will come before she is 50%, at 50% she will be in caster form.

Make a big circle around her caster form if you are ranged. And kick / counterspell / feral charge her when she tries to heal(counterspell will say immune but she is only immune to the secondairy effect of counterspell, her casting will stop.)

Bats will come to bomb, so if in good circle only mt will be bombed(np) or 1 ranged will be bombed.


High-Priest Venoxis:

Pala pull, nobody goes near the boss untill he enters snake mode! He does a jumping spell that does *2 every time it jumps. Struck me for 7k damage on first attempt ever :p. Also dispell his renews, will drasticly improve the dps on him Smile.

Sleep and/or sheep 3 of the adds, offtank the boss. Kill 1 add at a time till they are all dead. If he makes a poison cloud in snake form(below 50%) let the tank move to another position.

Cure the poison asap.

And then he is pretty easy.

High-Priestress Mar'li:

What does she do(human form):

AOE poison: druids/pala will focus on the curing of this as primary work.

Life Drain: rogues must interrupt this, kick all the time like the healers at sulfuron.

What does she do(spider form):

AOE web, makes everyone caught in the web lose aggro. So she will go after other people that arent entangled.

She also summons her little friends, 1 at a time and they get bigger every 2 seconds so kill asap Smile. Each 3 minutes she calls 6 spiders at once(she will be dead before that anyway Smile)


Make difference between ranged an melee groups. Assign 1 tank to each group. The melee group goes in with the MT untill they get entangled. The ranged group stays away together with their tank. Once she entangles she will go after this last group(once entangled you cannot use spells). The tank of the ranged group will then become MT and make sure she doesnt attack the ranged.

At that point the entangle should ware off and melee can go to the MT and help. While the ranged runs to the old MT untill she entangles again.

She will also call in some adds frequently, they are normal creatures level 60 but do MAJOR damage. Can kill a paladin in 3-4 blows. The ranged has to deal with them: First slow them down(frost, entangle, sleep, ...) and then kill it quick. It has low hp so that should be easy enough

(First time we tried this tactic we got her down!)

Casters: Drops:

For tank:

Bloodlord Mandokir

What does he do?

* Not much really, he attacks the mt and use a pet raptor.

* Also he uses a debuff on random targets and he will yell "I'm watching %26lt;name here%26gt;" or sumthing like that. If you attack heal buff or do anything when you got that debuff(5 seconds) he will come after you and slap you Smile. So if you got the debuff, STOP AND JUST STAND THERE TILL THE DEBUFF IS OVER. This counts for tanks too, so if tank is targeted just stop all dps or if its good tank he will still have aggro Smile.

* 1 more cool thing he does Smile, when someone dies he gets stronger and he gains a level. A spirit in his room will come to res you, afterwards the spirit dies. There are 20 spirits I think. But every time you die he gets stronger. After using 20 spirits he will be pretty much untankable. because he will be over level 80 then. 5000 damage each blow.


MT tanks Mandokir at first, nobody else touches him.

ST tanks his raptor pet and everyone assists him in killing it asap(raptor dead is mandokir in beserk for some seconds, but its easier then offtanking raptor)

After raptor is dead everyone goes for Mandokir, slow dps and watch the screen carefully to make sure you don't have the debuff on you. If you get the debuff just stand still, dont cast or do damage.

This will keep on the whole fight like this. Pretty fun at first, but boring after having the debuff 10 times. Smile.

High-priest Thekal

At the start of the battle you will have to deal with 5 mobs. 2 zealots 2 tigers and Thekal himself. Assign 2 tanks to one zealot each and 1 tank to Thekal. The dps kills the tigers first, which can be done in 10 seconds.

While the DPS kills the tigers the tanks get their add into positon. Thekal in the middle, and the zealots to left and right so they cannot help eachother.

Then first the dps has to go to the warrior zealot and get his health to 10%. Once that is done the dps has to go to Thekal and get him to 10% too and last but not least Zealot Khan(kick her when she wants to heal). Bring khan to 10% too. Once that is done bring them all together and aoe the crap out of them so they die together. If 1 dies before the other they will res eachother like core hounds.

Battle over??? Gues not.

Thekal ressurects himself in his Tiger Aspect form. Let only ranged attack him and the tank must tank him against a wall so he wont be knocked back too far, also use a second tank because aggro loss is very easy! Thekal will also spawn 2 guardian tigers, they should be killed first. Because if you kill them they will respawn anyway.

High Priestess Arlokk

Start battle by hitting the gong, she comes from the door towards the gong, so keep everyone at the gong when pulling. Once it is started the endless number of spawns come from left and right, they are all non elite do not alot of damage and are easely killable. But beware, do not focus on them. Focus on the boss. She has to be downed assap.

After some time she will use her vanish move. And she will mark someone, if someone is marked he will be attacked by all spawns. So give him some healing and do some aoe on the cats untill she comes out of vanish.

Once out of vanish go back FULL dps on her, even druids and any class that thinks he doesnt have dps and can do somethign else. Just dps dps dps!

She will vanish again, this is your last chance. 2 people will have mark now.

Again focus a little on the adds to kill the time, too many adds on 1 guy can be lethal, they dont do alot of damage but too much is too much.

Ok she will give you a last chance to kill her now, SO DO IT! GET ALL DPS YOU CAN GET. If you let her vanish again elite spawns will come and the battle will be over. They have high hp and high damage, like the ones you had to clear to get there.

The thing on this boss is just dps dps dps. use dots and other debuffs, moonfire, starfire, fire bolt, rogue powah, warrior powa, even exploding sheeps if needed! You have to get her down fast before the elites come(she has been nerfed after patch, no more elites).

If she dies the spawns should stop, but sometimes it bugs. So better to put loot on group loot and sort it out in loot window Smile. cuz you wont be able to use SS or DI, the room will not reset and the spawns will stay.

Jin'doo The Hexxer

The hardest one of them all.

what does he do?

1 teleport you into skellie pit

2 curse you, has side affect it creates an additional shade Smile.(you can only see the shades when you have the curse)

3 make healing totem 1% life each second

4 make mind control totem

Let MT go in and get some initial aggro.

After that all hell breaks lose and dps goes for him. While warlocks priests and hunters drain his mana to 0. Once 0 only hunter keeps it there. No more healing totems then Smile.

1 mage stays near skellie pit with a healer and aoe's them when someone is teleported.

For the rest keep dps'ing and do not mind the shades. Some tactics include killing your own shade when you got curse. They have low hp and a druid in cat form can kill them within time before curse is off. AOE effects do not work on shades.

Draining mana + full dps should do the trick though. Also let 2 rogues do the mind control totems for their account all the time. At start all dps goes to healing totems as priority.


First some rules that are overall during battle:

1 Druids and Priests do not waist mana on any dps or debuffs

2 Only MT goes melee and he stays on that spot for the whole battle

3 Non MT characters stay on the platform where the 2 stairs are and do ranged damage(if they do not overrule 1 or 2).

4 Every Non MT character has to focus on killing sons of hakkar and be within 3 yards of it when it dies.


This is how the battle will go:

MT starts battle while approaching Hakkar. Then start slow dps. There is no need for alot of dps, as you will see further. One non MT character(if there is a hunter it will be him), will go pull a son of hakkar(which respawn very soon at the platforms that we cleared while getting to Hakkar's Rooftop). He pulls them back to the ranged group, then the ranged group can take the son out(all within 3 yards when it dies). When son dies everyone will get a disease. The disease will do 100 damage per tick so this is why healers will only focus on healing and not waist mana on dps.

Now here is the reason why we have to keep the disease, Hakkar will do an AOE Blood Steal(aka life drain). Hakkar will heal himself when he does this, UNLESS! We have the disease on us, which poisoned our blood, and he will result in doing 500 damage to himself every time Smile.

Hardest thing will be keeping everyone alive, because the 100 damage every tick is not alot but we will have it the whole fight. Well actually healing isnt the problem :p, its pulling the sons in time. A druid can do this quite easy cuz he can shapeshift to get rid of the slowing spell. It is not needed to let a hunter do this job because he may arrive earlier at the sons spawn point but the son won't be there yet Smile(also nerfed, sons spawn faster).

AFter Hakkar did a life drain we need a new son as the drain will cure our disease.

One more thing, 1 blood steal without poison will not wipe you Smile. DPS will be able to do the 1 extra blood steal damage.

Ooo oo we done more bosses ofc Smile, never wrote one for those:

Ghaz'Ranka(summoned boss)

Go to nagle's pointe loot tape bring back to him and buy one of his fishing barels(1g Sad). After that look at spots where crocks are in the water, you might see a black bubble like in fishing contenst. Throw your bobber in there and you will fish the fishes you need for the barresl(5 needed). The bubbles are exhaustive 3 fishes max.

Once 5 fishes Clear the water from pirana's at naggle's pointe. Then throw the barrel into the water and let ghaz'ranka come up Smile.

He is just a big Ghaz'rilla(ZF) really. But his aoe knockback does way more damage then ghaz'rilla so fighting in water is best.

Use 2 tanks maybe like spider boss to regain aggro when the other one is in the air. For the rest ghaz' is really easy.

Edge of Madness

Need! =%26gt; 1 black lotus, 6 powerfull mojo, 1 massive mojo, 1 blood of hero's

Go clear the imps inside the room first. You'll need warlock to banish/enslave 2 imps and kill 1 by 1. If an imp dies a portal opens and 2 voidwalkers come out to kick ur little ass(aoe ofc).

1 thing you must not do though. enslave an imp in the 3*imp + 1 humanoid pack. It will aggro the other pack too Smile. So banishing is the best solution.

Ok room is clear?

Read tablet in the back to get the recipy to make the potion(alchemists only). You get 3 pots for 1 crafting.

Douse the flame with the potion and a random boss of 4 will spawn.

I would say just nuke em, they are like UBRS bosses Smile.

Gri'Lek goes like really big and does 5k damage but is super slow when big so you can kite him.

Rentaki is like a rogue, he vanishes and does aoe gauge. 2 mt's is prefered.

Wushoolai is kinda stupid :p, he just throws aoe hurricanes over the whole place so just move if you are inside one and DPS.

Last boss we have never spawned before Sad.

Tags: guide, Instances, News, raid, Zul'Gurub

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Soloing BRD, Lord Incendius World of Warcraft pvp

Soloing BRD (sorry if someone else has posted this, I have not seen it) Also, this is my first post, so it may be hard to read, just post questions and I will try and keep an eye on this to answer them.

The best run I have had I got the Fiery Enchant (35g), and the Ace of Elementals (300g+) for about 10 minutes time in the instance. Those prices are on my server.

My main is a rogue so this is written from a rogue point of view, but maybe you could do it with a druid?

Follow the steps to solo Plugger for the Barman Shanker. I am new to this site, but I sure it is posted somewhere here. If not, try it is a decent but limited site (I plan on a couple contributions to them, but posting here first for you guys)

The only variation on a Plugger (barman shanker) run is right after the Shadowforge lock. Go up the ramp and then go straight up the second ramp and cross the Ring of Law. You can pickpocket these guys for about 3-4s each if you feel like it. Free money. After crossing, go immediately to your right and see if Pyromancer Loregrain is there.

If he is, kill him. You need to kill him first, if you kill his adds and vanish, they spawn right back. I sap one, then ambush Pyromancer. I eviscerate immediately so that I don t waste combo points. Then I blind the second add. It will depend on your set up, but I can blade flurry to do them both if I need to. I generally have to use evasion for this fight. I use Instant poison and Mind Numbing. I vanish after the boss and then the two adds are simple by themselves with a sap. I often need a single heal potion for this one.

He has been spawning pretty frequently for me (1 in 3?), and he drops the Fiery Enchant about 30% of the time. Thottbot probably says different, but those are my estimates based on my running it.

Go back through the Ring of Law and continue with the Plugger run. May as well kill him since he is easy, and then the door will open for you to get to Lord Incendius. I recommend killing the little gnomes in the room with the golems too (can't recall name of the room, manufactory?). The gnomes have been known to drop Black Diamonds.

After killing plugger, go out the door and drop down to Incendius level. Avoid the elementals with him.

Poisons don t work so I use Dense Sharpening stones. I have to drink a greater fire resist potion and put on all of my fire resist gear (I am at 127fr). I am far from epic d out . He kicks you, and the lava is death so line up well and go for it. I open with distract and ambush. I have to use my prep for this fight, and both evasions. I have not had to use thistle tea (I trashed the recipe, just got it back) but I am going to start using it. I also end up using my lifestone, whipper root tubers, and a heal potion. I recently added crystal restores, and night dragon s breath so I am hoping it gets easier.

No lie it is a tough fight. With the new items I added I think it will go easier but it can be done. The Ace is a pretty rare drop, but a damn nice prize

It is fun as hell and gives a nice feeling of accomplishment and it s a rogue thing which rocks.


A short cut to Incendius does not require you to open the shadowforge lock. You jump out the window right before it, drop to the walkway, and can go straight to him.

You can also solo the rock lord in the first area. Time the dogs as they are death to stealthers. He hasn t dropped much worthwhile for me though

The bad news...

Getting out alive is a PAIN, so I usually hearth from there. The damn dogs are just a nightmare on the way out.


It's very possible with a druid, I solo him with my druid all the time.

Heres how.

1. Positioning - Stay on his platform and have your back to one of the rampish things so if he punts you, it's not off the sides. Or you can put yourself between him and the anvil, be suer not to be on top of it.

2. FIRE RESIST is key, he does not hit melee damage, it is all fire damage, I'm a raid build so I have a lot of resist gear, I have around 200 self buffed, so I resist a lot of stuff. Basically Fire resist = armor in this fight, don't focus on armor, it dosen't matter.

3. Damage - If you're a druid, I'm sure you have some sort of 'DPS Gear' it's probably as gimp as mine is, but again, dont sacrifice a lot of fire resist for DPS gear. If you have a decent amount of attack power, it's not hard, go cat form. I find that Rip's are better, this isn't necessarily about speed, but it dosent hurt, Ferocious Bite isn't gonna hit this guy hard.

4 HEALING - Once you hit 40 percent, I don't care if you want that last point for a 5 pointer, shift out, hit rejuv, and hit Healing Touch (Depending on your HP in this gear setup).

5. Umm, just keep goin, he drops the Ace fairly often if you farm him enough, after a friend showed me how I've found 3 Aces over the past 2 weeks, I'm sure it's a bit lucky, but either way, Blues=Shard's/Vendor Trash. You should make a relatively decent amount of money.