Ok, just been pondering this... This is purely 'what if?' territory.
I think it's fairly widely accepted that RDPS is dominant. Range %26gt; Melee, and Mythic's left with the task of balancing.
What would happen as far as gameplay dynamics, if most offensive skill ranges were shortened by (let's say) about 40%?
So it would be...
100' -%26gt; 65'
65' -%26gt; 42'
50' -%26gt; 32'
In general, this would shorten the '100 zone of death', where two sides are separated by a no man's land that Tanks and MDPS can't reliably cross. MDPS could now break through to enemy lines and retreat with more ease, there's less ground for a tank to cover if he wants to get to an ally and save them, and with the battlefields more condensed, positioning and battlefield awareness become key.
Again, this is pure 'what if', not particularly serious. Thoughts? What would this change? What would need to be exempt?
Personnally I think the fights would be more dynamic if the ranges were increased to LOS on DD (not dot), but lost damage over distance. Not gonna happen, but since we are just talking....
I was trying to think of how best to put my response but I think a simple: NO is enough.
Oh and just out of curiousity, in the 3seconds it takes for me to cast my main nuke how much of that 100ft range is left?
That would make all but instant cast spells absolutely useless and I for one would reroll. What would be the point to play a caster if you'd have to be practically in melee range all the time?
I think the OP is assuming an incoming nerf to ranged. Would you rather have a damage nerf or a range nerf? That is the question here. The OP is just proposing an alternative to the traditional damage nerf.
As a changing spec magus, who has to run in at 65 ft already to cast anything, I'm going to have to answer with a very emphatic NO.
Seriously not all of us RDPS are BW's standing in the back casting all our dots and running behind rocks.
Just raise base wounds for everyone apart from RDPS.
orcs already can't last more then 3 seconds in T4 with a single melee on them and you want to put us closer to melee?
I just don't understand the logic here.
In terms of DPS - we trade pretty much any and all forms of survivability for our dps. Also we are the only classes in game which dmg themselves while doing dmg.
Be carefull what you guys are wishing for. If they nerf our dmg enough they have to give us back something and do you really want survivable sorcs or bw's running around?
Id prefer to keep us glass canons. I expect to die if something is on me or I push my dps to much.
Not to mention our dps below 100 dm is pretty laughable. Did you guys honestly ever stop to think and wonder why sorcs are always killing themselves with DM or Comb for bw's ? If your dmg was enough below 100 DM/Comb no one would bother bringing it that high but obviously it isn't.
I think they should have looked more at giving cast times to some things that are now instant. I think that would have been better than decreasing range.
I think that Shadow Hunters and Squig Herders should have more range than casters, imho this is one of the points to this class, to help force casters to either back off or to be taken out.
Tanks and MDPS can reliably cross the 100ft zone, though. In fact, the ability to do so is core on all tanks.
A range nerf won't work because some classes are dependant on long cast times, and others are instant or 1 second cast based. An instant class can run into range, unload, and run out of range, and get hit by maybe one spell.
The solution is more LOS breaking terrain in some of the high end scenarios and in RVR lakes. Obviously none of the Mythic devs play tabletop Warhammer, or they would know that little terrain makes a boring game. Maps like Mourkain temple which have a lot of LOS breaking terrain in the center, are a PITA for ranged classes.
yeah.. and what else?;f
if spell range will be 65' this will be instant death for rdps .... how a rdps with 65' spells can protect yourself ahead WH, WE, WL etc. ...
How about using tanks with %26quot;hold the line%26quot;?
So in other words the OP wants squishies to stand still and cast within marauder pull range... somehow that doesn't sound smart to me.
Notice that the OP is a WL? I don't think he would care about Marauder pull range. :P
I think shortening spell range for all classes is a dumb idea. 65 feet is seriously almost melee range, I should know- I've been leveling a skirmish specced SW. I think it would be smart to do something to change RDPS mechanics, like making Magus and Engineer deal most of their DPS from mid-long range, with the potential of outdamaging a BW if they are within a certain range. The same applies for SWs and SHs, although SWs already have some great short-range attacks.