I'm curious how everyone is feeling about the game. It's near a two month point, and alot of people will have a T4 character by now. So how is the game for you, if you've been playing since live? Is it still as fun as day 1?
I'm asking because my boyfriend and I were talking about WAR today, after being farmed at the spawn point in T3, with no tanks and against an all healer and BW team for the billionth time. He and I both feel the game is not fun anymore, at all, and if it wasn't for playing with eachother or with the people in our guild, we'd both have cancelled our subs a long time ago.
I have noticed alot of the Med-Med pop servers have gone to Low-Low and even the one I began on as Med-High is now Low-Low with a Renown/XP bonus on it. Is the game dying?...
As it is right now, this game feels like 4 minigames -- Nordenwatch, MT, TA, and SP. You have to play each one over 100 times to achieve the next tier. Is anyone else getting sick of this?
I know PvE is a viable option for XP/leveling but for arguement's sake, this game was advertised as a PvP game. I played DAoC for 3 years, and I guess I stupidly came into this game thinking, Mythic? A PvP game?! Oh my GOD!
The fixes feel like band-aid patches right now, and the classes, even with the 1.05, seem severely lopsided. I won't even mention how frustrated I get as an MDPS class. I can honestly say that at this moment, I don't feel like an actual BENEFIT to my team as a Witch Elf, but more of a burden. If a Sorc or Healer was in my spot, I feel the Scenario would benefit much more.
I think the only reason I'm still playing is community, and my desire to play a Black Guard. If the Black Guard doesn't hold my interest, I fear this game has lost my interest. I loved DAoC to death, and I know this game is very new, but 2 months of consistently frustrating days is... well... frustrating; it will burn someone out fast.
This is all from my point of view, and is the reason the game is losing its luster to me. I would like to know if anyone else is feeling the same, and why, and why they're still holding onto the game if they feel this way? And to keep things constructive, if you don't feel this way, why so?
agree, Wardammer Online with such wonderful changes will die soon.
I was ridiculously excited to play this game at release, I'm sure everyone was. I was hooked. Hell, I believe I was the third level 40 BW on our server.
I'm now leveling my new main, a 26 White Lion, and I'm finding it harder and harder to log in everyday. The decisions made by Mythic frustrates me enough not to log in, as well as some of the players within the game. I can assure you it is not from leveling all over again. It takes much more than that for me to get burned out.
The game is just... Boring (imo). I log in, Quest and player Tor Anroc over and over. Occasionally I'll go take some keeps and face zero opposition. Or I'll go waste a few hours in Gunbad.
I enjoy my class immensely and I actually have a ton of fun in the game when I'm not stuck in Tor Anroc. I think that if and when Mythic fixes the repetitive scenario issue, people will be a lot less bored and frustrated with the game. Hopefully that will give them enough time to add in the ORvR changes.
I feel exactly the same.
Didn't log in for a couple of days now - I can't get myself to have fun in WAR anymore.
There is no endgame PvP content besides stupid scenarios and boring PvE keep raids.
In my opinion the whole open RvR system with its gazillion different zones is flawed and I fear it can't be fixed until it is too late.
I stopped playing about 2 weeks ago because of the general lack of people around me everywhere I go. Small RvR skirmishes here and there. There have been a few larger scale RvR battles taking place which were alot of fun but things like this happen so rare that it makes the game seem stale and boring. Scenarios are just %26quot; ok %26quot; and should not be the daily task everyone takes part in. And if anyone mentions %26quot; well you can always do quests %26quot;, I didnt buy this game to %26quot; quest %26quot; I bought it to do massive open RvR on a daily basis with occasional scenarios if nothing is going on.
Problem is the scenarios are the daily and RvR is the occasional.
My sub runs out mid December and im not to certain ill be resubbing now.
While I could go into the fun aspect of a WE claiming characters are %26quot;loopsided%26quot;, I'll not but try to tackle your main points.
Yes, the game is loosing its shine. And the main reason for this is nostalgia in my book. Is it dying? Well - that depends on Mythics goals and expectations.
Many of us have played DAoC and loved it, thus we view the game through rosetainted glasses and how much fun we had in that game, camping one spawn spot for 7 hours a day, 4 days a week to get to level 50, or how much fun it was to die to a zerg of 3 times your numbers, or running around in frontiers for hours without finding anything but zerg or running into a stealth zerg of 15 inf and minstrels and scouts, or having to grind money and items to get that all powerful spell craft equipment or level a second account to have that buffbot etc.
Well - not those times, but they are usually forgotten as well when comparing DAoC with other games, and they played a large part in the game-time.
What I'm trying to say is that we view this game through the romanticized view of previous MMOs.
I suspect people who were heavily hooked on WoW for example would come to this game, see the %26quot;sub par%26quot; PvE (although I feel in areas this game's PvE is an improvment to WoW) and feel the game is dull.
DAoC people came here expecting to find some of the magic from DAoC - I did so myself - but didn't get it.
I do have fun in this game still - I enjoy scenarios due to the more balanced aspect of PvP then simply larger zerg vs small zerg which can be fun enough at times, but relative unrewarding in the long run. Especially if you mostly find yourself in the small zerg.
But fact of the matter is that the game isn't delivering what many people expected on a short time-frame. Which in itself is kinda puzzling as well, because RvR in DAoC didn't really kick off for a good time unless you count being L25 missing hits on keep doors as RvR
My main reason for getting frustrated at the moment has little to do with the actual game, but more to do with Mythic/GOA and that'll be the main reason I cancel if I do the next month.